Chapter 20: Out of Sight

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All of the things he said to me were all a lie? To think that I trusted this person with all my life and thought he be there, but boy was I wrong. I should've expected this because he does live close to Anaheim. Who is this jerk you may ask? Lemme tell you, it's Rory. You know, the guy I've known all my life and loved him before. Well, he's here with a blonde girl and she has brown streaks also. It doesn't look good on her, didn't know that he would stoop that low. Wow... I must've stayed silent for a long time because Adam was shaking my shoulders to capture my attention and Rory locked eyes with me at the same time. His eyes widened and his face was covered with guilt and sadness. That's right you douche, you better feel all those emotions. I came back to reality and Adam was looking at my face to make sure everything's alright. "Adam, stop. Don't worry, I'm fine... Just saw something that made me ponder for a while. Again, sorry..." He sighed and ran his fingers through his slick-black hair. "Well, Disneyland isn't the happiest place on Earth really because you look a little down." I giggle, "Hehe yeah, let's go walk around this way." As soon as those words left my mouth, I see Rory in the corner of my eye stalking towards me. "Umm... on second thought, let's go this way! Yeah, I like that idea. C'mon Addie let's go! Hurry up! I can't wait!" I grab Adam's arm and run to the Indiana Jones ride and lost Rory, luckily.

"Babe, what happened over there?" I look at Adam sheepishly, "What are you talking about? I'm just excited and don't want to waste any time!" With all the looks I was hoping Adam to not have, he gave me it. He looked at me with the 'I'm not believing any shit you're saying, spill out the truth or I'm going to be in a pissy mood all day.' "Okay... well, I saw Rory..." Adam raised his eyebrows, "So? I don't see what caused you to have your panties in a twist." I sigh and start fumbling with my fingers while my head was down so I couldn't face Adam, "And he was with another girl, I'm not jealous though. It's just... he confessed his love for me and I thought he was true to his words. But, selfish ol' me believed every lie that came out of his mouth. Didn't take him long to move on, that dick." I was waiting for Adam to give me a speech and making me feel like crap/guilty. But he did something that was unexpected, he tilted my chin and made me stare at his caring eyes while inching closer and closer... His lips brushed mine so sweetly and then he licked my bottom lip for entrance. I reluctantly gave in, and it was a heated make-out session. *Cough* "Ahem. Can you guys get into the ride because people are growing impatient with you two taking your sweet time and may I add, that it's a little inappropriate to show PDA with children around," said the Disneyland worker. I blush with a deep crimson and hid my face from utter embarrassment.

After going on some rides, it was getting dark. You know what that means! Time for the fireworks, AGH! Yeah I turn into a kid that received their presents early, but I don't care because I'm going to always be a kid at heart. Adam slung his arm around my neck and I was hugging his waist, like an ordinary couple does. The music starts and lights dim...




BOOM! One by one, fireworks were exploding into colorful sparks and shapes. I was in awe because of all the Disney characters a firework could make. After 15 minutes, the spectacular firework show had ended and the atmosphere was filled with smoke. Adam grabbed my hand and we started walking to the parking lot. Once we arrived at his car, I get in and Adam revives the car to life. Breaking the silence, "Let's go get a quick bite and we can head to my beach house." Adam nods while backing out of the parking space, I turn on the radio and hummed to the songs. We stopped at Taco Bell and got some tacos, then we went straight to my beach house. Well it's technically my parents beach house but I usually go there the most. After directing Adam to where to go, I step out of the car and grab my keys to unlock the doors of my house.

"Wow, I haven't had Taco Bell in such a long time! I forgot how good it tasted, it's like an orgasm in your mouth! I know what word fits this moment right now: foodgasm. Ahh, yes," I screamed in pleasure from the delectable food. I know, it's just fast food restaurant food and it should taste horrible but I never get to eat this stuff a lot. So, this is like an explosion in my mouth! Adam was choking because of all the laughing he was doing. It was a mistake to say those words, boys can be so immature... Sigh. "I'm sorry it's just your face was priceless and the words you used made it more hysterical! Seriously orgasm and foodgasm? Really, Amy? Your mouth is dirty!" I flushed and looked down at my lap, "Sorry, it was like a spur of the moment kind of thing. Whatever! I should kick you out and you can sleep outside. Ugh Adam, you can be so intolerable!" Adam stayed silent for a while and his mouth turned into a smirk, "Babe, you don't mean that! If you kicked me out, you wouldn't be able to sleep 'cause you'd be missing this body." I sighed and went to clean the dishes, Adam handed me his plate to clean. He opened the freezer and looked for some dessert, then pulled out a carton of Cookies 'N Cream ice cream. What can I say, it's my favourite flavor. I grabbed two spoons from the drawer and passed one to him. He opened the carton and we both dipped our spoons into the delicious ice cream.

We finished the whole carton and our bellies were stuffed! I was in a food coma; I think I gained like 10 pounds! Adam looked fine, he does have an appetite of a man. We laced our fingers together and stayed in a comfortable silence, 'till Adam spoke. "Let's go swimming! I mean, there is a pool so let's make a use of it while we can!" I only have my bikini here and I don't want to flaunt my body in front of him. To describe my body right now after eating so much, it be in one word: Flabby. "That's a good idea but I don't have any swimming trunks for you, so yeah." Adam raised his eyebrows and spoke in a seductive tone, "I can always swim in my underwear..." I was about to protest but remembered something, "My guy cousin sometimes comes here, I think he left a pair of trunks so there's no need for you to swim in your underwear." He pretended to whine like a little kid, "But, I thought you'd like to see my sexy bum." Again, he just became a narcissistic jerk. One minute, he's this hot man and the next minute a little kid. I hate him for it, but I love him at the same time. Meh.

After changing into our swim gear, I wrapped the towel securely around my body whilst walking outside to the pool. Adam jumped into the pool without checking the temperature, but it's a heated pool so he's lucky this time... I hesitated at first but unwrapped myself from the warm towel and braced the cold. Tip toeing into the pool and it became eerie 'cause Adam was out of sight... "AGH! WHAT THE FUCK ADAM! I HATE SURPRISES AND YOU KNOW THAT! THAT WAS NOT FUNNY, UGH!" Yep, he pushed me into the pool with no warning. He's the most immature one in this relationship, as you can tell. Adam enveloped me into a hug and his face nuzzled into the crook of my neck. He trailed kisses along my neck upwards and stopped at my earlobe, "Babe I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I just stayed silent and glared daggers at him, he dropped to his knees in the water and begged me to forgive him. Pulling him up, "I'm only forgiving you 'cause I don't want you to die from begging with the lack of oxygen. That be an embarrassing death too. Also, I don't want to be a suspect and possibly sent to jail because my life is important too you know!" Adam opened his mouth wide, "Ouch, that hurt babe! Right in the lungs!" He was trying to be funny 'cause I mention the word oxygen and points to his lungs as a joke. All I have to say is, that was a lame joke.

We swam for about an hour, which consisted of teasing each other and escaping from his grasp. After showering, we got under the covers of my bed. Snuggling against each other for warmth and his breath hitting my face, we talked about a lot of things and had some laughs here and there. It was just peaceful, which I really enjoyed. Slumber was casted upon us and it was one of the best sleeps I've had.

A/N: Sorry that these updates were slow, it's just that I've been dealing with Summer training programs and Summer school. Also, I was trying to make this a longer chapter but my goal wasn't reached, sadly :( I think you guys heard the news 'bout Adam and Behati getting engaged/soon to be married, props to them. It's going to be involved in my story in the near future, it gave me a brilliant idea... ;) saw her engagement ring too, pretty antique as I may say :P  -E

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