Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Miseris is pronounced Miss-Ear-Is

"Wake up Miseris! We're going to platform 9 3/4 today!" My mother, Narcissa tells me. I open my eyes and look around. Mother smiles at me as I stare blankly at her. "Miseris? Are you up?" She asks, and I nod.

"Yes, I'm awake, but I don't think Draco is, do you need help waking him up?" I ask.

She laughs, walking out of our shared bedroom so I can wake him. I smile evilly, watching my calm twin, asleep. Not for long. I walk to the edge of his bed.

"DRACO THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE YOU NEED TO GET OUT QUICK!" I yell, flailing my arms over my head. He jolts up and starts to pack his things in a small bag under his bed. I start rolling on the floor laughing at him.

"Is the house on fire?" he asks as he shoves the bag back under his bed.

"No, you just wouldn't get up," I say, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and pushes me jokingly.

"I CALL THE BATHROOM FIRST!" I yell, running into the bathroom with my change of clothes. I decide to wear my skinny jeans with the tears in them, and a grey shirt with a green cardigan. I brush my long, waist length hair and Mother puts it into a braid. I look in the mirror at my blonde hair.

"You need a haircut," Draco says as he stands behind me.

"Not until it touches the floor," I say, pulling it close to me.

"Mother says breakfast's ready, come down soon," Draco says and walks out of the room.

I go downstairs after Draco left the bathroom. "MMMMMMMMM! Pancakes!" I say as I sit down at the table next to him.

"Morning," I say to Mother. She gives me a disapproving look, and I sigh, "Good morning, Mother." She smiles approvingly.

I reach for the strawberries, but Mother slaps my hand away,"Wait for your father." she says, so we wait. And wait. And wait.

FINALLY he comes downstairs. "Good morning," he says as he sits at the end of the table, across from Mother. Then, Mother looks at me, and nods, so I dig in. I reach, again, for the strawberries and take a big spoonful of them and dump them on my plate. Then, I put a really big pancake on my plate, put butter on it, and I pour syrup on it.

"Could you pass me the milk?" I ask, Draco grabs it and passes it over. I pour it into my cup and began to eat. Once I'm done with breakfast, I run upstairs to grab my black flats. I run out the door, and fall on top of Draco.

"Get off of me, Seris! I need to put on my shoes! I don't have time for your games!" Draco says, pushing me off of him.

"If you didn't notice, I fell into you, you should be apologising for being in my way," I protest, standing up.

"Draco! Miseris! We need to get going!" Father says from the bottom of the stairs. We both race down the steps.

We get to King's Cross Station 15 minutes early, so we can collect ourselves. I look around at all the signs, but see no Platform 9 3/4.

"Where's the platform?" I ask.

"Past the barrier." Mother responds, pointing to the arch between platforms 9 and 10.

"How are we gonna get there?"

"Walk through the wall."

"Cool!" I exclaim, staring at the wall, and wondering how such a large train could fit in such a small wall.

"Take your luggage carts and go through the barrier." Mother says, walking straight at it, and vanishing.

"Come on guys, you don't want to miss the train," Father says, "Miseris, Draco, come on now."

We stand in front of the barrier, and run at it quickly. Suddenly, here we are, Platform 9 3/4. I spot Mother, so I take Draco's hand and walk over to her. Me and Draco watch Father come through, and walk to our side. We say our goodbyes and get on the train.

I find an empty compartment and walk in. Me and Draco sit on one side and his friends Crabbe and Goyle sit on the other. I slump in my seat, not wanting to be with these goons.

"Ready to be a Slytherin, Draco?" Goyle asks, filling the silence.

"Of course I am! I've only been waiting my whole life for this moment!" Draco says, sneering slightly. I giggle, and he gives me a stern look. I furrow my brow and stick my tongue out at him.

"Anything from the trolley?" the old lady pushing the trolley asks.

"Yes, I would like four Chocolate Frogs please," I say, handing the lady the money. She gives me the Chocolate Frogs and heads to the next compartment.

I offer one to both Crabbe and Goyle, who instantly take them. I make an attempt to hand one to Draco, but he refuses to take it. I set it down next to him and began eating mine. I finish my Chocolate Frog right when a girl with bushy hair opens up our compartment door.

"Excuse me, but has anyone seen a toad?" the girl asks.

"No, but I'd be glad to help you find it." I say, earning a confused look from Draco.

"That would be great," she says, "Come on." We walk a little ways to the next compartment when she introduces herself, "By the way, I'm Hermione Granger."

"I'm Miseris Malfoy, but you can call me Seris," I say. She smiles at me as we enter the next compartment.

"Has anyone seen a toad?" Hermione asks. There are 3 boys in the compartment, two identical looking boys with flaming red hair, and another boy with dark skin and dreadlocks.

"Nope, sorry," one of the twins say.

"Are you first years? What are your names?" the other twin asks.

"I'm Hermione, and this is Ser- I mean Miseris," Hermione says, "and yes, we're first years."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lee and this is Fred and George," the third boy says, "We're third years."

"Great to meet you. I'm sure we'll see you again sometime?" I ask, interested in the ginger boys.

"Definitely," Fred and George say at the same time.

"See you later then," Lee says and we walk away.

"Hey, I better get back to my compartment, good luck with the whole toad thing!" I say and run back, feeling guilty about leaving Draco. When I get there, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle have all changed into their uniforms.

"You should go change, we'll be arriving soon," Draco says, handing over my trunk.

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