Chapter 8

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"How did neither of us notice we'd switched ties?" George asks, and I can't help but giggle.

"I didn't even notice until Hermione told me, what if we went all day wearing each other's ties?" I ask, causing us both to burst out laughing. We get some strange looks from other students, but I do my best to just ignore them.

"Are you busy tonight?" George asks as he walks me to my next class. Fred joins the conversation, raising an eyebrow, as if he had just asked the question.

"Yes, I have twin time with Draco," I say, and their faces share looks of confusion.

"What's twin time?" Fred asks.

"I honestly have no idea."

I go about the rest of my day mildly paying attention to the teachers, then we get to my favourite class, Potions. Professor Snape is me and Draco's Godfather, and I admire him. He sometimes calls me a walking disaster, but he still watches over me like a father. We have a closer bond than me and my real father, anyway. Snape starts the class addressing the board, talking about Potions and I let my mind wander. It's not like I need to pay attention, I am excelling the class. He gives us homework based on the lecture he just gave the class, and to my luck, he decides to tell us one last time what it was about. The use of Unicorn horns in Potions. This will be a breeze.

"Alright class, you are dismissed," Snape says, letting us exit. I walk out beside Draco, and he starts the topic of our evening plans.

"So I was thinking, first we would do our homework, that will take about an hour, then we can write letters to Mother and Father, that will take a half hour, then we can relax with each other for the rest of the evening," Draco says, setting a timeline. I look over to him and smirk.

"I can get the Potions essay and the letter to our parents both done before dinner, we'll have much more time together then," I say, earning an eye roll from my twin. I laugh and he puts an arm around me.

"I guess you'll have to help me with my homework then," he says and I giggle. We enter the common room together and I race up to my dorm. I quickly write my half roll of parchment essay and began writing my letter.

Dear Mother and Father,

I love the bracelet you got me! Thank you so much! I am having a wonderful time here, and me and my new friend Pansy are very close. I am excelling Potions class, Snape even said I was his top student! I hope to grow up to be much like him. Please keep me posted on any family/Ministry news!


Miseris Malfoy

I look proudly at my paper and fold it hastily. I put the address and stuff on is and dart out of the room. I race to the owlery and accidentally crash into someone coming down. I stand up to quickly and end up falling back down. I look up to see who I hit, and Ron stands in front of me, his ears turning red. I smirk slightly as I stand up again, this time more slowly.

"Better watch where you're going, red ears," I say, putting a hand on my probably bruised hip. His face turns as red as his ears, and he comes up with a comeback.

"Who you running from this time, Malfoy?" Ron says, and my smirk turns into a grin.

"I must say, you're quite good at insults," I say, walking up to the step he's on. The red goes away and is replaced by a baffled look.

"Huh?" he asks, but before I can answer, I turn to leave.

"Nice seeing you!" I shout as I run up the rest of the stairs. I reach the owlery and hand a random owl my letter. It takes it gratefully and flies away. I decide to walk back down the stairs, not wanting to risk another injury.

I get to the Great Hall safely, but I do feel a bit banged up. Apparently I must also look banged up, because I am getting a lot of strange looks. I sit down, still not knowing why I am receiving these looks, but I am very hungry. Draco sits next to me and the food appears. I start eating my food, and I can't help but listen to the conversations around me.

"I know right! Why would he even bother to ask me out if he isn't even in my House? Guys can be so weird sometimes."

I decide I don't want any part of that, so I listen to another.

"I guess an owl would be more useful, but I definitely like cats better."

I just decide to finish my food and get back to my Common Room. I leave as soon as we're dismissed, and am the first in the room. I sit by the fire and await Draco.

Draco enters the room, looking around for me. I stand up on my chair and start waving my arms above me head. He spots me, and quickly runs over.

"What are you doing? You could have hurt yourself!" Draco exclaims, sitting down in a chair next to mine. I bounce back into my seat.

"But I didn't, besides, I've done way more dangerous stuff today!" I say boastfully, kicking my feet up.

"Like what exactly?" he asks, taking my feet off the table. I roll my eyes and lift up my shirt, showing him my bruised side.

"I fell going up the stairs, Ron was coming down but I didn't see him, then we fell," I explain, keeping my cool. Draco lifts a hand to his head, covering his face, "I'm ok though! It doesn't hurt or anything!"

"Well that's good. Listen, you know how much you love wizards chess?" he asks, and I nod, "Crabbe let me borrow his set, and Pansy offered to let you borrow hers, so we can play!"

"That's awesome! Let's play!" I say, and he sets down the sets.

An hour later, a crowd has been drawn around us, seeing if anyone could beat me. So far, I'm undefeated. We decide to take it to the Great Hall, so the crowd is joined by Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and even Gryffindors. They each use their own sets, unless they don't have one, in which case they use Goyle's. I defeat the Ravenclaw 6th year, and she huffs and takes her broken pieces. Then Ron sits down in front of me, and I can't help but laugh.

"Are you sure you're up for this, Red Ears?" I ask, smirking proudly.

"You bet Malfoy," he says, and we start. I note his strategy and try to counter it, but end up creating a clear path to my King. I gasp as he triumphantly makes his way over there.

"Check Mate," he says, leaning back as everyone applauds. I stare, dumbstruck, at the chess board, and at my defeated King.

"You did amazing, I've never seen a strategy quite like yours," I say, standing up so we can shake hands. He grins, taking my compliment to the heart.

"Maybe I could teach you one day," Ron says, and we both laugh. I clap with the others, and the crowd dies down. Everyone leaves until it's just me and Draco. We smile and pick up the chess sets, and make our way back to our common room.

"I'll return them," Draco says, taking the chess board from me. I walk back to the seat by the fire, and slump into my chair. I yawn loudly, and curl up in a ball. Then, I rest my head on the armrest and close my eyes.

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