Chapter 3

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"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" a piercing scream awakes me weeks later. I look up, and see the pretty girl covered in mud. I hold my laugh as the rest of our house comes to see what's the matter. The house prefect scolds her for screaming when it's just a little mud, but the rest of the house just laughs at how silly a thing like that, is no screaming matter. everyone goes back to their dorms to get dressed. I get on my and go down to breakfast. I drift off in thought. WACK!

"Sorry!" I say, sitting on the floor while holding my head.

"It was my fault-Miseris?" the person I bumped into says. I look up and see that I had bumped into George, and that Fred was with him, helping him up.

"Hi Fred, George. Lucky I bumped into you!" I say, smiling at them, "Please, call me Seris."

"Well then Seris, are you going to breakfast?" Fred asks, helping me off the floor as well.

"I hope so," I say, smirking at the pair of them.

"Care to join us?" George asks, holding out his hand.

"Sure!" I say, taking George's hand We walk in and the smell of toast fills my nose. I didn't realize how hungry I was.

"We'll see you again my lady," Fred says, as him and George bow. They walk over to the Gryffindor table and sit down. I giggle and sit down at the Slytherin table.

"Who are they?" Draco asks a little rudely.

"What's up your butt?" I ask, and take a piece of toast.

"They're Gryffindors. And Weasleys." he says, his voice full of disgust.

"Well, they're also my friends!" I say, getting angry at him.

"Whatever." he says. We finish breakfast in silence Once we're done, we head to charms together. Draco sits next to me, we usually fight about nothing and then get over it quickly. Professor Flitwick tells us about Wingardium Leviosa, gives us feathers, and we all try it. I see Hermione showing a red head boy I don't know how to do the spell properly.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I say as I swish and flick. The feather flies! I look over to Hermione, and hers is flying too!

"Well done! Look class! Miss Granger and Miss Malfoy have done it!" I smirk and Hermione smiles. Then, one explodes! I look over to see a short boy next to Harry Potter with ash all over his face. The rest of the day goes by in a flash, and before you know it, classes are over and I'm in the Library with Hermione. We are both really like to read books. My brother thinks it's a waste of time, but I love it!

"Have you read Hogwarts, A History?" Hermione asks as we sit down.

"No, I asked the librarian if it was in, but she said it was already checked out!" I say.

"I have a copy of it right here, you can borrow it if you like." she offers, taking out the book.

"Thank you!" I say, taking the book and opening it up to the front page. We read for awhile, then decide to head back to our dorms. While we're walking, we overhear Potter's conversation with, the redhead she was talking to, Ron.

"It's Levi-osa not Levio-sa. She's a night mayor really!" Ron says and Hermione tears up. She pushes past him and runs away.

"Shut up Weasel! She's less of a night mayor then you are!" I say, and catch up with Hermione. We go into the bathroom and she lets her tears flow.

"They're not worth crying for Hermione, don't waste your time on them." I say, embracing her in a hug. I wish I wasn't a Slytherin, I know my family expects me to be mean to everyone, but I don't want to be. THUD. THUD. THUD.

"What's that?" Hermione asks and we look up.

"Hermione, slowly back away." I say and she does. Then he swings his club at us and Hermione screams.

"DO YOU HAVE YOUR WAND?" she asks me as the troll smashes stalls.

"I LEFT IT IN MY COMMON ROOM," I say, crawling for my life, "DO YOU HAVE YOURS?"

"NO!" she says, and we go under the sink. The troll breaks the sink a little, then goes for another swing when-

"Hey! Pea brain!" Ron says, throwing a wood shard at the troll's head. It turns its attention to them, and Harry jumps on him.

"Swish and flick" she says.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron says, making the troll's club fly above his head, then fall, knocking him out.

"Cool." Ron says, then McGonagall comes in with Snape and Quirrell.

"What do you think you're doing?" McGonagall asks.

"It was my fault professor," Hermione starts,"I went looking for the troll."

"Well, that was very dumb of you. 5 points from Gryffindor." she says.

"As for you," she looks at us, "5 points, will be awarded to each of you." she says, and leads us out.

"The feast isn't over yet!" I say.

"It got canceled because of the troll, genius, now we have to eat in our dormitories," Harry says, and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Even better," I say, and run back to my common room. I sneak past everyone, who are too busy partying. I go to my empty dorm and change into my then I head downstairs like I had been there the whole time. Everyone looks so awesome! Me and Draco have matching costumes, he is wearing . I must say, we both look awesome. Eventually, things started getting rowdy, which ended with me and Draco sitting in a corner, watching people snog.

"Dracy-Poo!" The pretty girl from before comes over and jumps on Draco.

"What the H-" Draco starts, but is cut of by her trying to kiss him.

"HEY! Get the Hell off my brother!" I say pulling her away.

"No! He loves me, don't you Dracy?" she asks.

"GET THE BLOODY HELL OFF ME!!!" He yells, pushing her to the floor.


"Thank... You..." Draco says, embracing me in a hug.

"Don't mention it," I say, hugging him back. Surprisingly, hug a lot.

"Hey guys, come and dance! We've only got about 30 minutes left, come on," Crabbe and Goyle say, pulling us out of our seats. We let them drag us to the middle of the dance floor in our common room..

"My lady," Draco says, bowning, "Would you care to dance with me?"

"I would be delighted kind sir," I respond, and we start dancing to The Weird Sisters. I have to say, we are (not) amazing dancers. When the song ends, a slow song comes on. Without thinking, we both start dancing with each other. We sway with the music, glancing at our feet every now and then.

"Wow Draco, with moves like these you are sure to sweep anyone off their feet," I say, impressed with my twin.

"You're not too bad yourself," he says. The song ends and we walk away from everyone.

"I think I'll go to bed now," I say, about to make my way up the stairs.

"Wait," he says and pulls out a camera, "Hey Goyle!" Goyle walks over and holds the camera. We pose and it flashes, taking the picture.

"Thanks," I say, "Now can I go to bed?" Draco laughs and nods. I head up to my dorm and slip into my pjs. I bounce into bed and drift to sleep...

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