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Josh knew he was a strange sight storming down the street; a tall black man barefoot still undressed with his clothes wet with a goup of truffle butter and crum over his shoulder and tears rolling down his face. But he didn't care. He felt as if the most important, vital part of him had been whipped away from him.
As he walked solemnly he passed a lot of people. A shrill whistle rang out on the street, a uniformed officer stepped out of the crowd,
"Your under arrest for indecent exposure. Come with me."
Pedestrians stared at the strange scene, watching for a nice show in the usually boring neighborhood. Josh could clearly see a young woman staring directly at his balls with a goofy grin on her face-and she wasn't even trying to hide it. Despite the situation, Josh couldn't help smiling, feeling proud of being. . .ehem. . .well endowed.
"Come on let's go young man!" The officer barked, "I should call your parents too. All these young negroes always running around insane."
"Guy! I'm like 20!"
"Let's go."
Josh laughed and walked up to the officer shaking the stiffness of his cock at the man who's face wrinkled up like a raisin in the sun. He averted his eyes and brandished his nightstick,
"Come now young man or I will be obliged to use force!"
The crowd began to mutter with grumbling and insesant chatter,
"It's cause he's black.". . ."He's start jerking off if some white guy was running around naked.". . ."Ooh! I see you Sasha, thirsty for that man's cock.". . . . ."What is he doing out here naked? And look, he's crying. Why is he crying? Tell him to man up, people'll think he's gay or something,". . . ."Well he did shake his cock in the cop's face.". . ."He doesn't deserve to get arrested.". . .
Josh didn't have the heart for it anymore. He stepped forward submissively and officer pulled out some handcuffs and a ring of keys, he grabbed his arms and started cuffing him.
So this is where it came to. Separated from his only love. Arrested. Naked in front of the entire neighborhood. He had nowhere to go, nothing much to his name. The house was Shira's, so was the car and the furniture and most of his stuff too. He only had a few bucks saved in his bank account. No real home. No food at the moment. No clean clothes. And most of all, no love. A silluette of a female figure stepped forward, her face was shrouded, but her figure made Josh's dick stiffen with a refreshed boner. Perfect hour glass shape with a butt that was soft and plump and beautiful. A soft voice came from under the hood of her black headscarf,
"Please officer. He's with me."
"Ma'am, I'm sorry but just because your associated with him won't get him free. Please, step back. Unless. . .are you his mother?"
She offered no response but she moved with liquid motion, reaching a slender hand into her jacket pocket, she pulled out a wad of 20 dollar bills, tossing it at the cop. Then she beckoned to Josh and waved with the other hand to clear the crowd. As she spoke, Josh could tell she was faking the tones dripping with sugar sweetness,
"Come on honey. I'm going to spank you. . .bad." She tried to hide the horny giggle. For a second, Josh didn't know what to do. Should he go with this stranger who pitied him enough to rescue him? Or submit to this old white cop? Neither of them were desirable, but. . .
Josh wriggle free from the grip of the police officer and followed the woman up the block.
"Ma'am I don't know how to thank you. I was about to end up in a big problem,"
"Oh," She finally unwrapped her headscarf, letting her beautiful brown curly hair spill out over her shoulders, and revealing her ghastly beautiful face. It was different from Shira, more. . .he didn't know how to describe it. . .more genuine. She was perfect but there were small flaws that seemed to make her even more perfect; beautiful hazel eyes, soft cheeks with a small scar snaking across her forehead, penciled eyebrows, plump reddish lips, and not a hint of makeup and she was still amazing, "I know just the way, sweetie." She indicated her waste. Josh was suddenly turned off,
"Wait. We've just met and you already want to have sex with me?! I don't even know your name! Or where we going!"
They walked around the corner and turned onto a quiet side street with trees shading the sidewalk. The woman stopped under the shade of a hunched oak tree and took his hand,
"I'm offering you a home, food, and clothes. I'm offering you love. I know that look on your face. That look, it's the look of a broken heart. You probably ran out of a breakup or something,"
How does she know?
"I know what your thinking. 'How would I know? Am I a stalker?' Look, I'm a good guesser." She shrugged.
"Whatever. I don't need your help." Josh tried to make a dramatic exit but the woman's grip was strong,
"Please. I want to help you, No sex, okay? You can say thank you by taking my help." She smiled
Josh paused,
"Well. . ."
Silently, the woman embraced him, making a warmth spread across his face. Josh was glad he was black, because she would've seen a blush on his face if he was. Josh akwardly put his bare arms around her and tried to stop the boner from touching the woman. As she pulled away, she said,
"Well, my name is LaToya."
"My name's Josh. Nice to meet you and. . .and thank you, so much."
She smiled,
"Your welcome. Now, a few rules if your going to bring living in my house," she was waking again toward a sleek black BMW, "No smoking. I hate the smell of it, it get's everywhere and it's so hard to wash out of clothes. You don't smoke do you?" She reached the car and opened the door for me,
"Thanks." Josh got in and sat. LaToya went around to the other side and got in beside him slamming the door shut. As she started the car, the engine purred and she continued rattling off rules,
"Next, no clothes. I don't want to see a scrap of clothes on you as soon as possible after you go home. I told true to the rule too,"
"Wait, what?"
She laughed as she pulled off, "I'm kidding! Anyway, if you have any guests. Leave a red sock on the door, I do it too, a lot. The last time I took some one into my home, they kept walking in on me banging guys everyday."
"Wait, wait, wait. A different guy everday? Are you a. . .oh, nothing, So who are these guys?"
"Oh! Just hot guys I meat walking around. Usually I just look at them and they want to hump me till I die! But, well, I switch guys a lot cause like, I want to find real love, you know."
Josh's brain clicked. Real love. They both wanted real love. Josh didn't know why this made him so happy, but he had his doubts. That little love for Shira still remained and he couldn't let it go, he couldn't. He tried to think of all her flaws, all those bad trates she had that she had which made the hole relationship crash and burn. But his thoughts kept to the perfect things about her. She was just too perfect. That was the thing. . .LaToya was different. Shira sometimes felt fake, too beautiful, too perfect to be a genuine human. But LaToya felt more humane, Josh had never experienced such kindness and such pure beauty. But could he let Shira go? Or would he surcome to hotness and semi-sex appeal of LaToya? But would LaToya and his relationship be rebound sex to pass the time?
Was this falling in love?

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