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A few months later
LaToya woke Josh up with bright eyes. She hastened him out of bed,
"I had the best idea! Let's throw a party."
"A party! Music, champagne, dancing. . .Come on, it'll be our first big event as a couple. Don't you want to show off your new house?"
"Why are you so hype? It's, like, 5:00." Josh bemoaned, "Besides, Where's the money for all this going to come from? Who's going to clean up? And we don't even know anybody to invite." Josh scrambled for more rebuttals, he hated big parties; too loud, the crowds were too big, so much fake happiness and plastic smiles, everybody always dressed up as if it were a Best Outfit in the Country Competition. And the part that was really annoying was how random strangers came up to him and started talking to him like they had met him and later they would say something like, "Oh Shira? You know Shira too?" or "Jacob told me so much about you." or "She talks about you all the time!"
"Oh don't worry I've got it! Now I'm thinking this Friday at sunset." A dreamy expression came across LaToya's face and then she snapped back to reality, "Ok, off to work then" She thimbles and handed him a wad of bill, "get some breakfast on the way to work. Oh and invite lot's of people!" She passed him some flyers.
Is she hiding something? She's just too. . .not her.
"Hurry you'll be late."
"But I don't even know how to get to the building. How am I supposed to-" LaToya cut him off shooing out the door,
"Go! Ask Siri or something."
Josh shrugged and left. He managed to find directions to the building with much difficulty and decided just to skip breakfast. Finally he found the large looming building, towering over the hunched houses on the street with it's floodlights and large logo lit up in red. As Josh crossed the parking the lot, groups of workers passed chatter bubbling out through the air. Couples walked in pairs arm in arm or hand in hand, crossing under the street lamps in the still dark morning. And then suddenly, Josh noticed a familiar figure walking arm in arm with a tall guy he didn't recognize. Josh stared. No. It couldn't be. As the couple turned into the lot, Josh could see their faces; surely enough, Shira was walking straight towards him conversing with her partner,
"So this is where you work? So nice. I used to dream of working with all the top celebs. So, how much do you make?"
"Well, I just started last year so I get about $10 per hour but I get a raise each year and royalty fees for every song I sell."
"I get 35 percent of the money they get for what they sell each album or record. Oh! Look it's that new guy, Tosh, Josh? Hey!" The man waved at him. Josh quickly turned. pretending to be oblivious as the man came nearer while Shira tried to escape,
"I'm usually so shy."
"Hey, you! Josh!"
Josh acted like he couldn't here and pulled his coat tighter around him, speeding up his pace towards the building. He thumbled anxiously with his scarf and crossed straight in front of the path of a moving car rushing to the safety of the sidewalk,
"Oh calm down babe, it's good to meat new people, he looks like a nice guy anyway."
Josh could just imagine Shira cringe at the word babe. A seething soupy mess of emotion bubbled up inside Josh as stopped to catch his breath; Should he turn and face Shira at last? Or run from the memory of her and everything they'd had together? Would he stay strong? Or back off. . .?
"Josh right?" They were finally upon him the man tugging at Shira's arm, "I'm Dwayne from the promoting department. Nice to meet you. This is my girlfriend, Shira."
Josh smiled awkwardly,
"Hi Dwayne. . .Shira. N-nice-n-n-nice to meet t-to meet you." Josh stared gaping at Shira, fiddling with his scarf.
"Great. Well, I'd just like to give an unofficial welcome to you. How do you like it so far?"
"Uh, g-g-nice." Josh mumbled, "Oh look at the time!" He checked his wrist which had no watch around it, "Mh-muh-guh. I mean, gotta go. Nice meeting you again. I mean, just nice meeting you, just that. Love you Shir. . .No, no See you. . .uh, sir." Josh scurried away, through the doors and in the elevator. He stared at the button got the 5th floor his mind swimming with thoughts. He tried to push it away, but he couldn't help thinking about Shira. The way her smile lit up the hole room. The way her upper body melted into her soft curves. What had happened to that special zing he'd felt with LaToya, the flutter in his chest, the real love? The feeling of mutual respect in a relationship? Of love's magnetic tug. . .? Oh! Scrap it! Josh threw down his papers; he had the most messed up life ever! He found himself shouting out loud,
"Why?! Why me?!"
Josh quickly collected his papers and exited the elevator as the door rolled smoothly open to reveal. . .Oh not him again. Dwayne stood. Josh hurried to get out of the elevator when Dwayne's buff arm reached out to stop him,
"Don't you work in finance? This is the wrong floor."
"Oh. Silly me." Josh stepped back, "So. . .how are you and Shira working out?"
"Very well. We've been together for about a month I guess but we're already both really serious. She's a really nice woman. I really think we'll last a long time."
"Well that's good." Josh broke out in a fit of coughing, "it's really important to find that special person in life. It seems like all we do in life I just try and try and we never seem to feel that. . .that feeling. You know what I mean right? And then you finally seem like you've found the right person and then they break your heart." Josh suppressed a sob, "well, it's good things are working out with you guys."
Dwayne looked at him with a strange expression as if he didn't know if he should comfort him or label him crazy or pity him or look down on him. The man shrugged and they waited in silence and the elevator ascended. The ding broke the silence as Josh almost tripped over himself to get out of the elevator. Rushing towards his desk, he tossed a flyer over his shoulder,
"Wanna go to a party? " And he disappear around the corner. But he suddenly stopped. If Dwayne came to the party and brought Shira. . . .it would be the perfect way to get her back. Somehow, he would get Shira away from Dwayne that ho, alone with him and then jackpot! Josh could already taste the sweetness on Shira's lips as the kissed once he convinced her.
Ugh! Josh now your thinking like a man slut or something! Did you completely forget about LaToya?
Josh sighed and walked to his tiny corner cubical and set his papers down. A note was taped to the desk from his boss in perfect spidery script; Please calculate probability of next year's revenue increase based on the info in the email I sent you. Formulate a graph on it and send it to me and Mr. Pereson. Josh shrugged and got his calculator out as he plunked down at the desk and started to work. He boredom read the email and scribbled the numbers on a spare peace of scrap paper to start calculation, moving without a hint of emotion. As Josh worked his brain drifted off to other subjects intertwining with the strings of calculations he was doing.
Shira. . .$488. . .LaToya. . .LaToya was so genuine and mysterious so exotic and special. Her deep blue eyes that seemed to see straight into your soul. The taste on her lips sent Josh into a dreamy paradise. . . .98 in 488. . .98/$488= 0.2008. . .Gosh! Just touching her sent him to paradise! But he had so much with Shira. . .Shira. . .Her soft curves her brown eyes that seemed to see right through your pants. The way she way through back her head as she laughed and jiggled. . .ehem, giggled. She was so perfect, flawless, beautiful. . .0.2008 x 12=. . . .
"I love you Dwayne!" A sweet voice cooed making Josh snap to attention. Shira and Dwayne were walking past and Dwayne had Shira tangled in his buff arms as she stroked his chest, her fingers playing under his shirt.
"I love you more!" Josh wanted to vomit the way he spoke, like a mindless clone under Shira's spell. He cought a glance of Dwayne slap Shira's perfectly plump shapely butt,
"Ooh you bad, bad boy! You need to punished for being such a naughty little runt!" Shira giggled. And Dwayne started giggling to in the most goofy way. They started kissing and Shira pushed him onto the nearest desk climbing on top of his strong form as Dwayne continued giggling insanely,
"Shut up now. You killed the vibe." Shira hissed and he stopped. then she was all horny again which somehow turned Josh on. No! Josh crossed his leg to try to cover the lump in his pants as he turned disguisted. Moans followed. There were no other people in the room until Josh's boss walked in and gasped,
"What. . .? What. . ,? Oh my dear! Mr. Parker! This is most incompetent and repulsive behavior!" The old man huffed holding his chest, "Mr. Parker this is the third time you've shown such inappropriate behavior in the workplace! Good heavens to think you were spoken to about twice! Twice! And you continue with this? You are breaking specific cooperation rules!"
Shira rolled off of Dwayne looking expectantly at him as he sat up,
"Sorry bro."
Josh wanted to burst out laughing.
"How dare you speak to me like so! Out! Three strikes and your out. I advise you get out now and only come back when you have gotten your wits about you."
Dwayne shrugged and walked out leaving Shira alone beside the desk trying to smooth her dress.
"And you! I have no idea who you are but behave!" The little man stormed out and now at last Josh was alone in the room with Shira. But she had still not noticed him sitting in the little cubical in the corner. Josh stood slowing,
"Well,well, well Shira." Josh tried to sound sexy as he strolled to the door and silently clicked it closed–he didn't know if it was working. Shira glared at him, spitting her next words like they were a dirty curse,
"Joshua Bailey."
"What's troubling you so much. . .babe?" Josh flashed a smile. He wanted to make this torture for, to get this ho back for what she's done but also. . .to get her heart back.
"Unlock the door." She hissed, "Whatever numb revenge you've got planned won't change any feelings I have for you."
"You haven't answered my question babe. Well it doesn't matter. I know just the thing that will make you feel better." Josh let the lump in his pants show. Shira's face contorted. "Oh don't worry sweetie. Everything will be perfect." Josh pushed away the feeling to break down in tears and confess his true love for her, he kne what Shira liked; steamy bad boys to deduce her and flatter her. He hoped he could get it right.
"Get away from me."
Josh rested his hands on her hips and ran them up and down her curves he licked his lips,
"Ooh, babe. Your just a mound of sizzling hot dark chocolate and I'm gonna eat you up."
It sounded better in my head. Whatever! It'll still make it hell for her.
Josh kissed her neck softly feeling with his lips, searching for her soft spot and finally finding it. Shira started to let out a moan and hurriedly tried to cover it with a grunt,
"Get off me you. . .hoy. . .oooh!"
"You like it don't you? Better then Dwayne, better than anything you ever had. Oh sweetie, I can give you real love."
Uh-oh. Getting to sentimental. Your losing her.
Josh stood straight up and grinded his hardness against the softness of her waist. He knew he was wining her back. Well, slowly. He felt a thrill of joy jolt through him. These were the first steps towards the real love he knew he could coax out of Shira, gradually, very gradually. Josh leaned in close wrapping his arms around her waist,
"So what will it be?" He whispered. Silence hung for a long moment. And Shira whirled out of his arms her weave slapping his face violently as she drew a hand back and slapped him hard.
"Go suck a dick!" She stormed away and pulled on the door handle. The door didn't open.
"Ha! Sweetie your trapped with me." Josh came up behind her attempting to place his hands on the graceful curves of her waist. Shira turned to glare at him,
"You really wanna play this game boo?!" She said, her voice dripping with rachedness. Josh took it the wrong way,
"Oh yeah." He drew in closer.
"Rape!" Shira's voice suddenly shot up several octaves to a shrill scream, "Rape! HELP!!! Please!"
Josh jumped back shooting her a dirty look. He dejectedly pulled out his keys and opened the door. Shira shot him a withering gaze,
"Fine then. We can play dirty."
Josh came home in a bad mood. LaToya came up to him hugging him,
"How was work?"
"Latoya!" Josh hissed, "What are you hiding?! I saw you this morning acting all happy! 'A party! Bye honey! Bla, Bla, Bla. . .' I hated it! Watch there be some naked guy in your bedroom-"
"Josh. Calm down." LaToya stroked his hair, "did something happen at work? You seem really stressed."
"Oh I'm stressed! Stressed of all your crap! Always being bipolar. One moment your gazing off into the distance babbling about love and life the next your a horny sixth grader on drugs! Gosh!" Josh ranted, "and you always actin' so lovey dovey Disney princess crap. Ooh true love! Yeah right! Won't even have sex-"
"Stop right there Josh!" Again came LaToya's blazing anger that had once turned him on, but now made him shrink back, "You were the one who decided to hold off sex! You were the one who wanted real love! We both wanted real love!But if you changed yo mind that's fine. The door is wide Open."
Josh stopped. Had his seduction of Shira rubbed off? Was he now as twisted and sexually inclined as Shira now? Josh couldn't find a answer but he knew something had changed,
"I'm sorry. . .I. . .I don't know. I guess Shira-"
"Shira! Oh so you finally found her again huh? I knew it! You've been cheating this hole time with that ho! I hope she crushed your heart today, just as bad you rushed mine!"
"LaToya please." .
"No." Her voice dropped to a deadly calm monotone,  "I have dealt with you long enough. You tricked me good enough the beginning but then I caught you. Why don't go kiss that ho Shira's butt."
"LaToya I swear I wasn't cheating. I love you."
"Do you really think you can win me back? You started this entire argument and now you think you can play it off like I'm the bad guy? No. Go back to Shira!" LaToya hissed.
"Urgh!" Josh exploded, "It was just one kiss! And it wasn't even real. . .I mean, you know!" Josh squirmed despite himself.
"I thought we had something real with you. But I guess your just like the rest of them." LaToya showed genuine sadness, "Eat dinner by yourself," She left Josh alone in the hallway, among the elegance and grandeur but all of the mansion's riches were coated in hostility. Josh couldn't help wiping a tear from his eye. Something had changed drastically and it was causing his life to crumble around him. Dinner by himself made the huge dining room seem even bigger, the cold empty walls reflecting his lonelyness. He left his plate on the table and hurried to LaToya's bedroom suite. He knocked.
"Go away." The hostile voice replied. It didn't even sound like LaToya it was so coated in meanness.
"LaToya please. I know we can make things right. Please, just give me a chance."
The door flew open and LaToya her face red burst out,
"You know what fine! I will give you a chance. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick you out."
"Because," Josh began, "we have something real together. Yes, I was really rude to you, look I had a bad day at work, but we can't let that in the way of our love. Every couple has their problems but what we have to do is work past that. LaToya, your not yourself. All this anger and fighting is making you into a monster."
She put a hand on her hip,
"Are you calling me a monster?"
"Right now, yes. But the LaToya I know, no."
Josh could see LaToya trying to process what he meant. A strange expression came across her face as she gazed at him, she opened her mouth. Then she closed it. Josh opened his arms for a hug,
"I'm sorry-" LaToya slammed the door in Josh's face. Josh hung his head putting a hand to his heart. Everything was falling apart in a big mess and no mTter how much he tried he couldn't fix any of it.  He tried to get Shira back and she slapped him and walked away. She'd left him with the cryptic coment We can play dirty. It sent shivering chills down his spine. The only thing that went well in that department was that Dwayne had gotten fired. He had tried to fix his issues with LaToya but she'd slammed the door not only on him but on it all. Something was definitely changing in Josh. He didn't know what it was but it was obviously wreaking chaos, trouble.

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