Hopeless Minds

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They said when you lose something, you have to let it go.

I guess that's bullshit. You can never let go of anything you've ever had or even experienced in your life.

Which is sometimes you have to fight when you've lost something or someone so you can get them back.

Fight can be in every shapes and sizes. Fight doesn't always about physical, sometimes fight can surely be giving affections all the times, etc.

But there are certain people that even when they have fought so hard, they still can't get what they wanted.

So they stop trying, stop fighting, stop hoping. They're just lying there, with emptiness in their hearts.

Hopeless minds, with nothing but a bottle of beer and smoke in their hands. Thinking that one day, they'll have the courage to put those razor slides over their veins causing blood streams down their body and finally relieve because they can leave this cruel world behind.

But no, they don't have that courage. So they just sinking into the black sea of emotions. Drowning but nobody was there to save them. Nobody knows what they've been through because they're so good at hiding feelings that they can't even feel a thing anymore.

Tragic isn't?

Parents thought their kids were happy, the truth is their kids is beyond far from happy. Suicidal I supposed.

When lights don't seem bright and darkness is more than dark.

Constant battle in their hearts causing insanity in their minds. They're not crazy, they're just trying to figured out what's wrong and what's not. But without anybody to help, it's hard to find the answers.

Only friend they had? Not their parents, no. Not their friends, that's totally no. It is those razor that slides over every inches of their arms, legs, any parts that can be hurt but invisible enough for people to see.

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