Chapter 12 The Blakewoods

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The weekend finally arrived and we were waiting outside the front gate of the school for Elisha's brother to pick us up. We didn't wait long before a red Jeep showed up with a small metallic horse logo situated on the front left bumper.

     “There's our ride,” Elisha said. Her brother was standing next to the car with a straw hat on.

     “Good Afternoon ladies! I'm Adriano Blakewood.” He had gentle, marble-blue eyes and gave us a big welcoming smile. Adriano pointed his thumb at the passenger door and another guy climbed out. He was timid and very quiet.

     “This guy is my twin brother Orlando,” Adriano said. Orlando's hair and eyes were the same shade of dark, rich brown. Orlando's hair was cut with a long piece still left at the back.

     They both wore boots and had tanned arms, but that was where the similarity between the twins ended. They were definitely not identical. They loaded our bags on the back of the trailer like true gentlemen would. Cassandra giggled and had a big happy smile on her face; I don't think she even realized. Orlando's cheeks got a little pink and prominent dimples formed as he smiled when he reached for her school bag. Cassandra sat behind Orlando. A small metal horse hung from the rear-view mirror - a duplicate of the logo I saw on the car.

     “I'm going to have to look hard,” Orlando randomly said to Adriano. Adriano gave a lopsided smile with his mouth pulling to the left. I had absolutely no idea what they were on about and it seemed like Cassandra also had a puzzled look on her face. Izelle and Elisha on the other had seemed like they understood, but decided not to react at all.

     I was an expert at reading body language and usually made a game out of it. I often just pretended to be oblivious and then surprised people with my accurate description of their thoughts or personalities. His previous comment must have been related to Destello. Cassandra didn't seem too concerned to find out what he really meant and I was too shy to ask.

     It was quite a drive inland. We drove through different landscapes. First gigantic trees planted in rows flashed past us before it became a dense wood forest as nature intended. The backdrop changed again; all we could see now was luscious open green fields and a few hills in the far distance.

     Adriano tapped on the window. “This is the start of our farm,” he indicated. The tar road turned into gravel, rattling my insides. The charm hanging from the rear-view mirror bounced on its cord from side to side.

     Fifteen minutes later, the one meter high wire fence we were driving along turned into a white wooden fence. Behind the white fence was what looked to be hundreds of horses standing in different paddocks. Their coats were spectacular with colors and patterns I have never seen on horses before. I was so mesmerized by their beauty that time seemed to stop and before I knew it we were driving up their driveway. Olive trees were planted in rows either side of the paved road. The sky was covered in dark clouds with sharp rays of Sunlight still piercing though in patches. It was clear that a thunderstorm was brewing on the horizon, as the clouds were forming heavily. The twins helped us with our bags.

     “Arrh this one is heavy,” Orlando joked as he picked up Cassandra's bag. She enjoyed his attention as a smile stuck to her face.

     Elisha's mum walked down the front door steps.

     “Meet my mum Imogen,” Elisha introduced. Her softly curled hair, which fell beautifully down her back, was the color of golden syrup. I wondered if they had magic wands which they waved to make them look so gorgeous.

     A truck in agony made its way up the driveway, bearing the same vintage logo on the wrapping of the massive chocolate Elisha brought to school. I saw two men, the passenger looked Spanish, the shade fell on the windscreen and I couldn't quite see what the driver looked like.

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