The Explanation

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Thomas's POV:

Janson makes us all sit down in front of him like little kids. Just knowing that the so called 'rescue' was part of WICKED's plan makes my stomach twist. My thoughts find there way back to (Y/N) and a fresh wave of worry hits me.

"-tomorrow otherwise we'll kill her."

That's all I hear Janson say. I blink and he's gone, any evidence he'd been there; vanished. Minho runs his hands through his hair, looking as sick as I feel. Frypan lets out a long, frustrated sigh and Newt just stays silent.

"I cannot believe we have a disease!" Minho shouts, standing up. "What kind of sick humans do that to people?"

Newt shakes his head and says: "People who want things done their way. And is that the only thing you care about? If we don't go through that flat-trans tomorrow, they'll kill (Y/N)!" His voice gets louder with every sylablle.

My brain tries to process the information. A disease? What disease? And kill (Y/N)? I feel like I'm about to throw up.

Frypan spies my look of nausea and puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at him and say: "What's going on? What do they want us to do now?"

(Y/N)'s POV:

Chancellor Paige stares into your eyes and says: "We all forgive you (Y/N). We know you believe what you did was for the greater good and here at WICKED that's all we care about."

WICKED. At the mention of that name your stomach somersaults; you think you might be sick.

Chancellor Paige continues: "We put you in the maze to trigger something in the boy's killzones; to see how they reacted. The results were amazing, so we sent Teresa up. Chuck dying was the last thing we needed to happen. It made Thomas find the way out."

You can't believe your ears.

All your strength suddenly returns and you sit up, waving your hands about. You feel your fist connect with Chancellor Paige's face. She falls off her chair, clattering to the floor. She stands up, holding her bloody nose.

"We let you back in here (Y/N). We had to move to an underground facility so the Right Arm wouldn't find us. All because of you. All because you told them where we were. Now we've let you back; don't make me regret it."

She walks out of the room, still clutching her nose.

You get out of bed and stagger over to the door. You are still in the clothes you wore last night. Before you exit the room you head over to the table with the medical instruments.

You spy a small blade and shove it into your back pocket. You storm out of the room, needing to know answers.

Newt's POV:

Thomas paces the room. It's half an hour before the flat-trans appears. Before we enter the scorch. My stomach twists and I gag. Nothing comes up; I can't remember the last time we all ate. And now WICKED is sending us into a place where food will be almost impossible to find.

"I cannot believe we're doing what they want. AGAIN!"

Thomas's voice rises, his body visibly shaking with anger. He runs his hands through his already messy hair.

Minho sits beside me, looking like he hasn't slept in weeks.

Great. We should all die in the first bloody hour of being out there.

(Y/N)'s POV:

You race down the corridor; no one is there. You spy Chancellor Paige rounding a corner and follow her, keeping your distance. You grab the blade from your pocket, wanting to be armed.

You still haven't seen anyone, which confuses you. If WICKED was such a big organisation, where were the workers?

Suddenly Chancellor Paige stops and swipes a key card. A set of doors slide open, granting access to a long passageway. She walks briskly and you speed up, wanting to see where she's going.

She stops in her tracks and says without turning around: "(Y/N), if you want to follow me be quiet."

She turns around and you grip your weapon tighter. She merely laughs at you, but you stay strong.

"All I want is answers." You hold the blade out in front of you, your arms shaking slightly. "Why did you put us in the maze? What was the point? Why am I back here?" You scream the words at her, tears spilling down your cheeks.

She takes a step closer to you, making you thrust the knife forward.


She stands there, looking shocked. She raises her hands slowly in surrender and says: "This is for the best (Y/N). You used to believe that. And now I think you will again. Just give me time! That's all I need!"

She pleads with you, the guilt evident in her eyes. "You'll thank me for this (Y/N). I promise."

All of a sudden you feel a sharp pain in your back. Your body goes slack and you hear the knife clatter to the floor. You hit the ground and see Teresa looking over you, a glint in her eyes.

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