Chancellor Paige

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(Y/N)'s POV:

You wake to the sound of wheels squeaking. Your eyes are half open and you can make out two figures on either side of you. They look down and you pretend to be asleep.

"She still out of it?" One of them asks.

"Yeah. Good job. I don't feel like explaining what's going on. She always has so many questions."

Your chest fills with panic. You know that voice; it's Teresa.

The other one laughs. Their voice seems familiar to you, but you don't know why.

You feel yourself rounding a corner. Where were they taking you? Last night you were safe with Thomas, Newt and Minho. Why was Teresa back? Was it a dream?

Suddenly, you come to a stop. You sneak a glance and see Teresa swiping a key card. A door swings open and you shut your eyes, on the move again.

Thoughts race through your mind. Why were you here? You escaped the glade with the others, you fell asleep away from WICKED last night, so why were you back?

Thomas's POV:

I awoke to Minho shaking my shoulder's. Worry and anger swirled around his face, making me anxious.

"Thomas, wake up!"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, but his next sentence snapped me from my dazed state.

"It's (Y/N)! She's gone and so has everyone else!"

I stand up, shoving him out of the way and making my way to (Y/N)'s room. There's no one there, but the bed has been slept in. I feel Minho behind me.

"And this isn't it. Ya know the other people from the different mazes?"

I nod my head.

"They're gone too. And the people who 'rescued' us."

(Y/N)'s POV:

You are pushed through another set of doors and into a small room. You open your eyes and see a table; the only other thing in there.

Teresa looks down at you and says: "Oh your awake. I'm thrilled."

You go to hit her, but your arms are frozen. You look down and see no constraints, yet you cannot move your body.

She laughs and grabs the attention of a boy. He must have been the one who helped wheel you in here. He chuckles to himself and walks over to the table, surveying the medical equipment laid out on it. You are dumbfounded.

Teresa stares at you and says: "Sorry (Y/N). We couldn't take any chances." Her words are nice but her tone carries threat and menace.

The boy walks over to you, a syringe filled with purple liquid in his hands. You want to thrash out in protest, but your body is unresponsive. He grabs your arm sticks the needle in your bicep. You scream; it comes out a strangled cry, making Teresa collapse into a fit of giggles.

The boy disposes of the syringe and links arms with her. They swagger out of the room. Your head goes cloudy and you can't think straight.

Thomas's POV:

I grab Minho's shoulders: "You mean there's no guards? None of the people we saw yesterday?"

Minho shakes his head and I sit on (Y/N)'s bed, running my hands through my hair. Just then, Frypan and Newt appear at the door.

Newt comes and sits next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I shake my head and stand up.

"We need to find out what's going on. You guys saw how many people were here yesterday; they can't just have dissapeared."I turn to Minho and Frypan. "Go get everyone you can; have you guys seen Clint and Jeff?" They nod their heads and head out of the room.

Newt looks at me: "We all care about (Y/N), ya know. It's not just you." He exits as well, leaving me all alone.

A bang can be heard from the gymnasium where we all ate not 24 hours ago. A man is sitting at a wooden desk, all the rows of tables from last night gone. I run up to him, wanting answers.

An invisible force stops me from going any further, sending me crashing backwards. The man laughs and I recognise him as Janson: the man Teresa mentioned.

I shout for the other gladers and only Minho, Newt and Frypan appear.

"There's no sign of Clint or-"

Frypan's cut off by seeing Janson. Minho goes to do exactly what I did but I put my arm out to stop him.

"There's something there; a forcefield. Trust me, I've tried."

"Oh boys," Janson laughs and places his hands on the desk, taking us all in. "The maze damged you more then we thought."

(Y/N)'s POV:

You wake to a woman sat by your bedside, holding your hand. You're in the same room as you were when Teresa and the boy left you.

The woman sees your eyes flutter and holds your hand tighter.

"(Y/N). I'm sorry. I didn't want Teresa and Gally to do it like that. You must be so scared, I'm sorry."

Gally. The word sticks in your brain and your mind starts to clear. You remember watching him die in the glade; his blood sprayed everywhere. You shudder at the thought and realise your body has movement again.

You look at the woman and say: "Who are you? What's going on?" Your voice is a hoarse croak, but she manages to hear you.

She sighs and stares at you, sorrow filling her eyes. "I'm Chancellor Paige and I have a lot of explaining to do."

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