The Escape (Part 2)

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"Crap!" Gally mutters.

He pulls open the door, looking outside frantically. You spy a gun-like contraption lying on the floor in a dark corner. You race to it, pick it up and then stand next to Gally.

"You know where to go?" You ask, holding your weapon.

He nods his head and you give him a slight nudge. "Then come on! It's now or never."

Thomas's POV:

We all stand next to a massive building, trying to catch our breath. A massive sand storm had whipped up around us; our only option to come here.

My throat is sore and my head cloudy. Dehydration threatens to take my conciousness but I focus on right now.
If we don't make it to the safe haven then (Y/N) dies. And I can't have that. Plus the fact that WICKED has implanted a deadly disease in our brains.

I go to enter the building, but Newt puts his arm out to stop me.

"Anyone could be in there Tommy. They could be armed."

"Or have food and water. Come on Newt, it's worth the risk. We're probably gonna die if we don't do something." Minho interjects.

Frypan pushes the door; it creaks. Broken glass litters the floor from where someone must have smashed the panelling.

I gulp and take a step inside.

(Y/N)'s POV:

You and Gally sprint down corridors, rounding corners here and there. You're glad he's here; you have no clue where you're going.

Suddenly, four guards appear up ahead. You raise your gun and see Gally's hand move to his back pocket.
He presents a rectangular device with a small red button. Before the guards can even draw breath, Gally presses the button and chucks it straight at them.

The both of you move backwards and he tackles you to the floor. You place your hands on your ears and feel the ground shake beneath you. Rocks rain down all around you and the ceiling is slowly cracking. You and Gally scramble up and he hurtles down the corridor, dodging fragments of debris. You run just behind him, not sure of where you're going.

You come to a gigantic set of doors and he produces a key card. He swipes it but nothing happens.

"Come on." He mutters, "Come on!"

Suddenly it pings and the door starts to swing backwards. Gally grabs your arm and hauls you through the door.
You are outside, surronded by sand and moonlight. You can hear several people behind you, advancing on your current position.

You spy a sand dune and sprint towards it. Gally is close behind and you duck, hearing quad bikes exiting the WICKED compound.

You hold your breath, doing anything so they won't hear you. Gally gets up and sneaks over to a glass roof, embedded into the ground. Half of it is smashed and he leans in to expect what's inside. You make your way over to him, hearing your search party go in the opposite direction.

"It's dark, I can't see anything!" He says in frustration.

You push past him. "Then there's only one thing for it."

You hold your breath and jump inside.

Minho's POV:

Thomas goes in first, his feet crunching the broken glass littered on the floor. We have no flashlights, no weapons; no defence. I take a deep breath and follow Thomas.

There is nothing to be seen but silhouettes. The only reason I can tell Thomas is there is because of his deep breathing. Newt and Frypan enter
slowly behind.

All of a sudden a generator hums to life and a light on the ceiling flickers.

"Look what I found." A grin is plastered over Frypan's face.

Newt walks around inspecting the place. "It looks as if someone lived here."

Mattreses cover the floor and several items of clothing are lying around. Thomas grabs a backpack and starts pulling out its contents.

He produces a flashlight and a jacket. He puts the jacket on and checks the flashlight to see if it works. It takes multiple attempts but it finally comes to life.

"Bingo." I hear Thomas say to himself.
"Everyone split up. See what you can find. Meet back here when you're done."

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