Chapter 16

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Scarlett's POV

*A year later*

Today's the day. Today's the day I'm getting married to the love of my life. George has been so amazing over the past 9 years of El's life. El was a bridesmaid along with Zoe, Cat, Tia and Soph. Maddy was my maid of honour as she was my sister. Josh, JJ and Jaymi were Georges best men. He couldn't pick one so he chose all 3 of them. I don't blame him.

I got my hair and make up done along with the others. My hair was curled and some of it was tied up in a bun but some of it was down. It looked really nice. My make up was light just how George liked it. I had a bit of foundation, eye shadow, blush, and mascara on. It looked really nice. My dress was white with sequins on it. I really liked it. Maddy helped me to pick it out in the shop so I give some of the credits to her. I was getting married in a hotel. It was really posh. It had high ceilings a creamy colour. The floors were a creamy marble colour and everyone sat on cream chairs with cushions on them. Parents weren't here so Sidd walked me down the isle and Maddy was also my mum as well as Maid of Honour.

The girls started walking down the isle and I slipped my arm in Sidd's and he walked me down the isle.


"I do" I said.

"I do" George said.

"You may kiss the bride" the vicar said and George kissed me.


Our reception was in a field. Union J played for us and we did a bit of karaoke, it was a good night. We went back to the hotel and El stayed with Josh and Tia as they were going back to there's. George and I got to the hotel room and we were both knackered so we just got ready for bed and fell asleep.

We were going on our honeymoon in a weeks time. I know it's meant to be after the wedding but we both thought we should have time to relax at home after the wedding and El's coming with us on our honeymoon as well.

El's POV

I can't wait for mummy and daddy's honeymoon. We are going to America. I've always wanted to go there! I went upstairs and packed my things. I pulled out a small suitcase from under my bed and packed it with exciting things like clothes and books. I took a lot of shorts and t-shirts as I think it's hot in America isn't it? I packed a few pairs of trousers and jumpers when mummy walked into my room.

"Hey sweetie, you're packing, that's good" she said.

"Yeah I'm so excited, I'm packing a week early!" I said and sat next to my suitcase on my bed.

"That's good honey" she said.

"Mummy what part of America are we going?" I asked her.

"We are going to the United States of America to a place to California. It's really nice! It's hot over there as well" she said and sat down beside me on my bed.

"I'm so excited mummy! I'm so happy that you and daddy are finally married" I said bouncing up and down on the bed.

"That's good honey. Do you want to see Princeton, Soph and Luke today darling?" Mummy asked me.

"Yeah please mummy! Can they come over here and we can play?" I asked her.

"Of course they can honey. I will make the arrangement" mummy said and she left my room.

I packed a bit more whilst I was singing a song. I love singing! I think I get that from daddy, I've heard him sing and he's amazing! He's my idol, I love him so much as well! I didn't realise daddy was leaning on my doorframe until I tuned around.

"Hey El, sorry to disturb you" daddy said walking into my room.

"That's okay daddy" I said.

Daddy knelt down so he was my height.

"What song were you singing there El?" He asked me.

"I was singing a tune you sang. You really inspire me. Daddy join in with me. Do you have the tune on your phone?" I asked him.

He pulled out his phone and started playing a tune.

"I like this one daddy" I said and he smiled. We started singing alone to the song and he put an arm around my waist pulling me closer.

We sang the song and when it ended he turned to me.

"I didn't know you were that good at singing" daddy said.

"I like it and you do it. I want to be like you. You're my hero and my idol daddy" I said to him. He kissed me on the forehead.

"Maybe when you're older we can sing a duet and thank you lovely, I love you and mummy so much" he said.

"I love you too daddy and I would like that when I'm older. Can you teach me to play the guitar when I'm older as well?" I asked him.

"Yeah of course, come here my little one" he said and pulled me in for a hug. Daddy's hugs were the best. He kissed me on the lips as well.

"Have you nearly finished packing?" He asked me. I nodded.


"El? Soph, Luke and Princeton are here" mum shouted up to me. I ran out of my room and down the stairs.

"Hello" I said giving them all a hug.

"Hey El" Soph said to me.

"What do you want to do?" I asked them.

"Water fight!" Luke shouted.

He ran into the garden and we all followed.

I got the water pistols and filled them all up then we had a massive water fight that the adults got included as well. They all got a bucket and filled them all up with water as well.

The doorbell rang and I ran inside to get it. It was Jodie, daddy's niece which is my cousin. I gave her a quick hug and dragged her though the house to the garden to join in the water fight. She was older than me by 5 years so she was 14 but we were good friends even if she wasn't our age.


The water fight finished and we walked inside to get some lunch.

"I'm so looking forward to this mummy" I said as she dishes up spaghetti bolognaise which is my favourite food of all time.

She placed a plate of food in front of me and I dug in.


Thank you so much for reading! More drama is coming, I promise! Please comment, vote, share and fan! <3 I love you all <3 xxx

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