Chapter 29

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El's POV

I was walking home when two black vans started following me. Fuck it's the paparazzi. I was asking questions about them to dad and he said they drove black vans. They got out of the vans and I started running as fast as I could home. I really hope I lost them. I got in the house and shut the front door. 

"Wow you look like you've just ran a marathon, are you okay?" Dad asked. 

"Yeah I'm fine, man I need to get fitter. The press just chased me so I ran as fast as I could home" I said in between breaths.

"Walking to school everyday is going to be fun" he said. 

"Thanks for that one dad. Also my music teacher said something about us doing a concert at school and I thought that sounded great so I said yeah" I said. 

"Yeah the principle phoned me so I phoned the boys and they're all down for it. We just gotta bring you and Luke to tour rehearsals so you can practice with us before tour starts. After school tomorrow we have our first one. We will go from here Luke can go home and he can go with Josh but we will go together. Alright?"

"Yeah that's cool" I said. "Dad?" I asked. 

"Yeah El?" He said. 

"People are trying to be my friend because of you and it's getting on my nerves. I had this one girl come up to me and asked if I could be friends with her, I said no because I've already got my friends but it's just annoying now everyone know you're my dad people are taking an interest in me. I don't even want to talk to them" I said to him. 

"I know, it'll be like that wherever you go but doesn't it feel great to tell everyone that I'm your dad? You're still the same person before everyone knew and Luke likes you for who you are not just because I'm your dad and I really hope you and him get married someday" Dad said. 

"It feels good to get it out but people are treating me different. I got chased the the paps and I didn't realise that I would have to give up so much of my private life. It really sucks. There's one thing I'm sure of though which is whatever happens Luke and I will stay together. I know that's weird but we've known each other since we were babies and no one can take what we have away, not even the press" I said to dad. 

"That's good! Go and talk to Luke he deserves to know a bit what you're going through" dad said and I walked upstairs. 

I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I opened my curtains and took my phone out of my pocket. I dialled Luke's number. 

"Hello?" He picked up on the third ring. 

"Hey Luke it's El, I need to talk to you about something please can you come over?" I asked him. 

"Yeah course I can babe, I will be there in 5 minutes" he said and we hung up. 


Luke walked into my room. He usually just walks into my house which is cool. 

"What did you want to talk to me about?" He asked me. 

"The press. They're starting to follow me around and there could be stories or rumours about me but please talk to me first and I will give you the full truth of what happened. The press like to change stories to make them more interesting and it sucks. I ran away from them today but they could be anywhere. I just want to make sure you're alright with this. I know I have to give up some of my privacy which sucks but you're still my boyfriend and you deserve to know the truth about the story, okay babe?" I asked him. 

"Yeah I will come to you if there's anything I find weather it's on TV or in a magazine I will call you first. We can get through this together. We've known each other since we were babies and I completely trust you, I'm sure nothing will come between us" he said. 

"Come here" I said and pulled him in from a hug. 

I love hugging Luke, he's slightly taller than me but he's a good hugger and he knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.

"We have a tour rehearsal after school tomorrow babe, just to let you know" I said to him still hugging him. 

Finally, we pulled away and we looked into each others eyes and he held my hands. 

"Thank you for everything, I really owe you one" I said quietly. 

"Babe, you don't owe me anything. A relationship is 2 people and I 100% trust you and I know you trust me too. I love you so much El and nothing can ever break us apart" he said. 

"I love you too and no they won't be able to babe" I said. 

He kissed me on the lips. I deepened the kiss a little bit and then we pulled away. 

"Do you want to chill here for a bit before going home?" I asked him. 

"I was thinking more that we could take a romantic stroll, of course where the press won't be though" he said. 

"I would love that" I said and we walked downstairs. 

I grabbed a coat, put my shoes on and we walked out the door hand in hand.We started walking  We went into a shop to have a look as Luke wanted to have a look. The paps found us and so did some Union J fans. 

"Oh no" I said to Luke. 

"What?" he said and he turned to look at me from the clothes he was looking at. 

"The paps found me. I don't want you to go through this babe" I said. 

"I want to go through it with you. Some Union J fans are there it looks like as well" he said. 

"Come on, we are getting you back home safe and sound. Don't answer any questions they ask you either, you hear me?" He said grabbing my hand and leading me out the shop. 

"Yeah, put your hood up as well and I will do the same" I said and we put our hoods up. 

We walked out the shop and though the crowed of people. When we got through the crowed we ran as fast as we could back to my house as it was closer. 


Thank you so much for reading! I love you all <3 xxx

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