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Sneaking Out


-Keaton POV-

Oh god....oh god.....what is she gonna say....probably she is going to say 'I can't believe you did that we are through'. I really screwed up last night. I really shouldn't have drank last night. The others couldn't really go so we went by ourselves. But I lost control and you know hooked up with a lady.

I literally hate myself right now. I just wont tell Jade. That will be the right thing to do. Right? No it's not but what else can I do. Today is Saturday. Maybe I can go and hang out with Jade.

Oh yeah her and ...Harry... are going to see Now You See Me. What if they like each other!?! I think I should crash this little meet up. Nahh!

-Harry POV-

Yes today is Saturday and me and Jade are going to go and see Now You See Me. I just found out today is the last day to watch it. We are going in the afternoon so we could spend the rest of the day with each other hanging out. I was thinking about sneaking out again just like the old days.

I texted Jade to remind her about our hang out.

H: Hey Jade remember we are going to see NYSE today in like 2 hours. I will pick you up at like 1 ok.

J: Ok then thank you for reminding me. I will get ready and wait for you. Can't wait to see the movie. SYL!

H: Ok SYL2!!

-: 1 hour later :-

-Jade POV-

I was just here waiting for Harry. I had but on some purple jeans on and a white shirt that said 'I am not a NERD'. Then I added some fake nerd glasses on. I wasn't sure if we would be watching it in 3-D or just regular. But I still brought it. I wore some purple heels also. Once I heard the door knock I grabbed my phone and checked if it was fully charged and went to the door. I opened it to a curly haired lad. My best friend Harry.

When I saw his outfit it was kind of like mine except he wore black skinny jeans with his 'Hipsta Please' shirt. I never noticed that he had long legs. I was suddenly interrupted my a husky British accent.

"Like what you see....just kidding why are you staring at me?" Harry said. I started blushing.

"I-I was just checking on what you are wearing." I said stuttering.

"Ok that the fashion police has left the building how about we go catch that movie my awesomest pal." Harry said. I just chuckled at his response. I nodded and we walked to the movies.

We were just walking and laughing at our memories together. Then my heel got caught on the sidewalk again. I was getting ready to fall again but then a pair of arms caught me. I opened my eyes to find these gorgeous emerald eyes looking at me. It was Harry's eyes. I was caught in a trance. Then I heard cameras flash. It came from a bush. We both got out of that trance and got up. Harry helped me up. I looked at his eyes all worried. He looked worried too. The press took a misunderstanding photo. Keaton will try to go beat up Harry. Then Keaton wouldn't want to be with me anymore. Me and Harry just continued walking to the movies with out talking to each other. That was kind of a awkward moment. When we got to the movies we took our seats and we watched the movie.

-:After the movie:-

-Harry POV-

Once the movie was over I wasnt so impressed at it. I actually don't know what happened I couldn't stop thinking at what happened earlier. She was staring at my eyes. But the bad part is that the press caught her doing that. I think I should just start talking to her. I was going to talk but then Jade beat me to it.

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