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Sneaking Out


~Jade POV~

Even though I am best friends with Harry,again I still kind of don't trust him. I was going to trust him fully but then I caught him sneaking a peek at my phone. It was opened to my messages with Keaton. He invited me to watch Monsters University in 3D today. I was supposed to leave in... 2 hours!!!! I have to get ready!!!! I got into my white v neck and my shorts that have suspenders and goes all the way up to my waist. I let my hair loose and put some fake nerdy glasses on. Then I put some black heels on. I took on last look at the mirror and went to check the time. Just on time I had 30 min to do my make up and eat some grapes! I put on some lightly make up and brushed my teeth. I left the room to eat 10 grapes. Then I heard multiple footsteps behind me. It was the other girls. They looked up and down on me.

"Who is taking you out?" Jesy said.

"Is it Harry!" Leigh-Anne said.

"Um no! Me and Harry is never going to happen AGAIN!! And yes me and Keaton are going out to see Monsters University in 3D. In my mind I think it is a date but I also think he thinks we are just friends." I said.

"Well why wouldn't he wanna date you you're JADE!!" Perrie said. I blushed and then I heard the door knock. I gave the girls the 'he is here' face. I went to the door gave my girls one last look and they gave me a thumbs up. I gave them the 'please go away' signal and opened the door. It was Keaton. We exchanged hellos and left to the cinema. I never actually imagined being friends with Keaton or even with Emblem 3. I was walking and listening to Keaton's conversation when my heel got stuck on the crack of the sidewalk and I almost fell face forward when I was caught by Keaton. We were looking into each other's eyes for a while. Then he started to lean in slowly and I reacted the same way. Then moments later we kissed. It was like a aching kiss that we both have been dying to do. Then I heard a flash. I pulled back and saw a paparazzi running out of the bushes. I was both disappointed and humored. Then Keaton grabbed a hold of my hand and intwined it. We were like that till until we came to the cinema. We got inside and bought the tickets.


"OMG that was pretty hilarious!" Keaton said. I have to admit it was pretty funny.

"I know right it was pretty funny" I said. Then Keaton intwined our hands together again. I actually enjoyed it.

"Jade can I ask you something like as a friend question."

"Sure what is the matter?"

"Well I like this girl and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I dont know how to put it. I don't even know if she likes me back."

"Well I would just tell her right now at this very moment"

"Ok then" He grabbed out his phone and he pressed the number and waited for this girl to answer. Then I was getting a call.

"Hold on a second I am getting a call."

I answered it with out checking the ID.


"Hey Jade do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I looked up at Keaton. He was the one talking on the phone. I hung up the phone and said a massive yes. He hugged me and we kissed again. I didn't feel any sparks. Maybe you don't need to feel any sparks to know that you love a guy. My life couldn't get any better.

~Harry POV~

I was going to Jade's house so we could go and see Now You See Me. We actually have wanted to see it since yesterday. When I knocked on the door I expected for Jade to open the door but really it was Jesy.

"Why hello Harry. Here come in, come in. Why are you here?" Jesy said panicking. Wow she was crushing hard on me.

"I was here to pick up Jade so we can go to the cinema." I said coming in. I sat down at the couch.

"Oh your looking for Jade. She went out with Keaton to go to the cinema. She just texted me that she was on her way and that she was happy." Perrie told me. Ugh! What if Keaton already beat me to asking her out. Then I heard the door bang. I got up and opened the door to find Keaton and Jade making out. In my head I was furious. But on the outside I was shocked. They let go and realized that I opened the door. Jade was blushing and so was Keaton.

"Hey Harry, man I didn't know you knew Jade and Little Mix? Well I guess since you know them I can give you the update on me and Jade." He started out. I was so disappointed. But on the outside I was curious. But I already know what he going to say.

"Me and Jade are dating!" Keaton said. I put on a fake 'really' face.

"That is awesome. I will support you guys every step of the way. Just make sure that you don't hurt my best friend." I said to Keaton. He nodded and Jade gave me the 'really now' face. Then Keaton said that he had to go. He kissed Jade on the cheek and left. Then Jade came inside her apartment.

"Why were you here anyways?" Jade asked me. I gave her the 'really' look. Then I gave her the 'think back' look.

"Ohh! Oh my gosh I totally forgot. We were supposed to go and see Now You See Me. I was supposed to go but then Keaton called me and you would understand why I would chose him over you. I actually like him, as in have a crush on him. But we can go this weekend." Jade said explaining. I had to act like a supportive friend. When in real life I was just plain furious.

"No it's ok yeah we could go on the weekend but make sure that you don't forget this time. But don't worry I completely understand why you chose him. If you didn't then you would still be single. Trust me it is ok." I said. But really it was not ok.

"Thank you for understanding. You can stay if you want." Jade said.

"No I am going to go now I was going to leave anyways Niall needed me." I said lying straight to her face. I just don't wanna be here right now. I need to cool off.

"Ok well bye I am going to tell the girls the good news." Jade said hugging me.

"Bye see you on Saturday." I said giving her giving her one last hug and left. God I just wanted to punch Keaton in the face when he told me that they were together. Why does he have to come and ruin it for me!!

Sneaking Out {Ch.1-12}Where stories live. Discover now