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"Dude, my balls will forever be bruised because of her."

"Ashton, shut it. No one is in the mood right now."

As I was shoved back into the room by a frustrated Michael, I was also being yelled at by an angry (and in pain, rightly so.) 'Ashton.'

"You shouldn't of let her whack your nuts, then!" This is fucking ridiculous.

"Why are we yelling at each other? Shouldn't we be dealing with her..." Both of their gazes fell upon me.

"She did try to escape after all, shouldn't that call for some sort of punishment?" The smirk on Ashton's face made me want to be sick. Slowly, I sunk back into the corner of the room, the walls suddenly feeling like they're closing in.

"She doesn't even know what's going on. We don't even know her name. We've kidnapped her and don't even know her name, our standards are significantly dropping."

Michael looked at me. "So, name?" I kept my mouth shut.

"She's not going to talk." Ashton crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, I guess we should explain what's going on then." Michael sighed. "Take a seat, this could take a while."

I wearily walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge beside where Michael was pointing.

"So what's gone down here is that you saw us commit... Well... Murder? And we couldn't have you running off to the police and busting us, now could we?"

I could tell he knew that I wasn't going to answer that. Looking between the two, I noticed Ashton holding in his laughter. Was Michael being sarcastic or something? Was I not catching onto something here?

"So basically, you're stuck here until further notice. Possibly forever." His shrug showed how nonchalant he was about this whole thing.

My eyes widened and my heart started racing again. Forever?

"Of course, we could just kill you if you wanted. It would be easier for both of us." Ashton shrugged.

That started my tears again as I lifted a shaking hand to my mouth.

"For fucks sake Ash, see what you did." Michael rolled his eyes.

Ashton held his hands up, mocking fake innocence. "Sorry dude but that's how it is, and you know it."

I drew in a shaky breath. "W-What about my family? Friends? Their g-going to realise I-I'm missing."

Michael scoffed, offending me slightly. "We can deal with them later."

Sudden rage overcame me and a deep scowl took over my features.

"You son of a-" I snapped with a sudden wave of confidence as I strode over to Michael.

As I raised my hand he grabbed my wrist, the grip he had on me  sure to leave bruises.

"Oh honey, you keep this up you'll be dead by morning." He hissed through gritted teeth.

The confidence I once had melted away in an instant, leaving me as terrified and confused as I was before. I took a step back and sat on the edge of the bed, tugging at my messy hair.

"I-I don't understand." I whispered, my voice betraying me.

 Both Michael and Ashton sighed in unison and I could feel both of their gazes on me.

"Listen." Michael started. "We know you're confused, but you could make thing so much more easier for yourself by just doing what we tell you. Got that?"

I huffed out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in, which resulted in my entire frame slumping.

"That involves not punching people in the balls." Ashton quickly chirped in.

I looked up, my eyebrow raised.

"Ash. Get out." Michael groaned, pushing Ashton toward the door and soon following after him.

"I placed my head back into my hands as I tried to figure out a way to get out of here.

"Sorry, love." Michael said before leaving and closing the door, followed by that oh-so-familiar sound of the lock clicking shut.

I stood up, tears burning the edges of my eyes. If I were in any other normal  situation like this, I would probably be crying. But I am all out of tears currently.




well I have a lot of spare time now-a-days, so I guess I'll try to update more?


sorry this is so short, kinda had writers block after this bit oops

emi xx




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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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