Chapter 2 Eyes Have a Name

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DANG IT! Why did I have to run into that guy after exiting the store?! I was already running late and that collision delayed me a few moments. I should start paying more attention to my surroundings. But, that guy was really sweet and forgiving.
After rushing in, I looked around for a free team to join. No teams were available for joining. Tears starting to well up. I knew my easily being distracted would screw me over.
When I thought all hope was lost, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a light blue haired inkling girl. "Um... Excuse me? Do you need a team to join?"
"Yeah." I sniffled. I wipe my nose remembering that there blood coming out it.
"GREAT! You can join us!" She smiled. "My name's Saei! What's yours?"
"My name? It's-"
   The N-Zap '85 I held in my hand was glistening brightly. Finally! Getting this weapon was what I was always dreaming of! Now time to try it o- Agggh! My grip tightened on the weapon and slammed my eyes shut. WHY NOW?! Of course I get a headache five minutes after my collision! JUST MY LUCK!
   I somehow made it inside the battle lobby and the lighting relieved some of my headache. I opened my eyes more and looked around for a team. For once my luck was on my side as I spotted a team! As I ran over, one of the teammates turned around to notice me charging towards him.
   "Hey! You could be our fourth member of our team! Wanna join?"
   "Yeah! Why wouldn't I want to join?! Name's Kaen."
   The pink inkling smiled. "My name is Bonshin!"
   My team spawned out of the spawner. I opened my eyes to reveal our battle at Walleye Warehouse. Ok. I took a deep breath and put on my "battle face".
   I took off straight towards the center of the map. Luckily, I got there first before anybody else. Good. That place can be pretty messy.
   All of a sudden, a sniper line of fire came into my view. GREAT. SNIPERS. I made a quick decision and hide behind a wall. I heard two pairs of footsteps coming closer.
   "That squid is around here somewhere." A girl inkling said causing me to gasp. That voice. That was the girl from earlier! The one I ran into!
   "Stay alert, Cris!" Another girl's voice said. "He could be around here somewhere."
   Cris. That's the girl's name!
   Soon enough, the footsteps were right behind the wall. I tensed up and dove straight in the ink. The girls walked around and started to search.
   "He's here. Right there!" Cris pointed at my hiding spot and threw a ink bomb right at me. No where to run.
   "Whew! That battle was great! And tiring..." Saei chimed.
   I smiled. Even though we lost, Saei was gleaming. Saei told me that she just started turf wars a few days ago but she was an amazing strategist.
   "Cr-!" Huh? Is someone calling me? "CRIS!" Someone is!
   I shot around and saw the boy from earlier! "Hey! I know you! You're the guy from earlier!" I came into realization. "WAIT. HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!"
   "I over heard that girl with you." He said. "Could we talk?"
   "Oh yeah! I'll go ask-" I turned my head to ask Saei to leave but she was already in conversation with a pink inkling. "Never mind! Let's go!"
Sorry this took so long! I have school and other activities I really love to do such as art and gaming. I'll try to upload the next chapter as fast as I can!

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