Memories Part 2

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I finish off my fifth beer and go upstairs stumbling a bit. I end up in Bennett's room and sit on his small bed. I look down at the floor and close my eyes.


"Conner come here!" I hear Ali yell from the nursery. I make my way to the room to see my lovely wife with her big baby belly, biting on her lip trying to decide something.

"Yes love?"

"What colour should we paint the babies room?" I stand beside her and look at the walls.

"Well since its going to be a girl it should be pink." I say giggling knowing she wants a boy. She smacks my arm playfully.

"The baby is a boy. I just know it. How about green?" I wrap my arm around her and kiss her temple.

"Whatever you want love." She smiles and kisses me quick rushing to go to the store to get the paint.


I shake my head to find myself in the cold lonely reality. I hear a knock on the front door of my house and I go answer the door to see the brunette from the hospital. She smiles once she sees my face.

"Hi, I'm a nurse from the hospi-"

"Ya I remember you. Claire right? What do you want?" I say interrupting her.

"Actually its Chloe but I just wanted to make sure your ok" she says shyly.

"Do you think I'm OK? I lost the love of my life. My heart feels like someone burned it out and shredded it to a million pieces and buried it in the deepest darkest hole in the ocean." She bites her lip nervously.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Is that really all she can say? That's the only thing I'm hearing from people now.

"Ya, so am I." I see Ali's moms truck driving towards my house with Bennett in the back seat. "Well if that's everything you can go now." Before she can say anything my eight year old son with the blonde hair like his mother is running to me.

"Daddy!" I pick him up and kisses his head.

"Hey buddy, go inside and play while I talk to grandma." He nods his head as I put him down and runs inside. I look to where Chloe is well was and see that she left.

"Who was that lady?" My mother in law asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No one, just a nurse from the hospital checking up on me." I say as I cross my arms.

"Well you need to be looked after, your a single parent now and you'll need help with Bennett. He might have gotten your charming looks but he got Ali's fire personality." That's true, except for his hair. He got her blonde hair instead of my black hair.

"I'll be fine Linda, if I could handle Ali I can handle Bennett." She shakes her head and giggles opening the door of her truck.

"If you say so Conner." She gets in the her red truck and drives away.

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