The Drunk Driver

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I've been here for an hour and no one has come to tell me what's going on. The door swings open and an older man with grey hair and a big nose walks into my room.

"I'm Dr. Johnson. You were in a terrible car accident, a drunk driver swerved into your lane and hit the side of your car causing you to go into the ditch." I start to shake my head. No, no this can't be happening.

"Where's Ali? Is she ok? Is the baby ok?" My voice cracks at the end. I need to see her. I need to tell her I love her. Ali and our son is everything to me. Our little baby girl is due next month. The doctor sighed and looked down.

"When the car went into the ditch, the passenger side hit a tree. The impact killed your wife and the baby. I'm so sorry for your lose sir." I can't say anything, there's nothing to say. How can anyone respond to that? I just lost the love of my life and my baby. All I can do is cry, and that's exactly what I do. I cry everyday for the next month. I have to stay in the hospital until all four of my broken ribs heal. My son Bennett stays with his grandmother.

I wish I could talk to her one more time. The last thing we did was fight. I can't even remember what it was about. I have the same nightmare every night. I dont know if it was the accident or I'm just making it up in my head. If I could get my hands on the drunk driver that did all this they would wish they were never born. The tears start to form in my eyes like they do everyday. I just want to see my Ali one more time.

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