What to do?

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Helen's P.O.V

Liam offered to take the body away and bury it. Meg and the band were pretty gutted. We were all stranded on a island in the middle of no where. We all stood in ripped clothes. Our hair was all messed up and we were all muddy and dirty.

'Guys lets go back to the camp fire...'

Harry led the group back. Parker was still comforting Megan. I felt like I should say something but I wasn't sure what to do. I hated seeing my little sister like this. At least I had part of my family here with me. We all sat down to the fire and remained in silence. Niall looked around waiting for someone to speak.

'Umm guys...'

We all looked up too listen to what he was going to say.

'What are we going to do?'

We all looked at each other. It was the moment everyone realised this was it... We were alone, together. In the middle of no where. We were lost. Liam and Parker took the lead. They both stood up at the same time. Liam was the first to speak.

'We will get out soon okay? We just have to make a sign! Like write sos on the beach or make this fire huge to attract attention!'

'Liam, that's a great idea but what do we do right now? Right now?'

Parker tried to reassure everyone.

'We can go and have a look for food, umm someone can build some shelter, we have loads of water from the sea, we will be fine!'

Harry stood up and started panicking. He joined Liam's idea of getting saved now. Eventually the group split into one direction and the unstoppable. They started arguing as to what was the best idea. I couldn't take it anymore.


Everyone turned and looked at me.

'Come on guys... We won't survive if we're arguing like this!'

'But Helen, you have to agree we should spend time getting rescued, not settling in!'

'Liam we all want to get saved... But I'm with the unstoppables... Sorry boys but we need to get ourselves sorted.'

'Well that's fine. I get it... Well every man for themselves.'

'Oh Liam don't be like that!'

'No we have different ideas and us working together, it wont work okay? You guys do your thing and we'll do ours...'

With that one direction ran off in the opposite direction.

'Okay well we don't need them!'

James tried to convince us bless him but it was useless. We all knew we would struggle.

'Okay so Megan and Parker go looking for food? Helen, Tom and me will make a shelter for the night?'

No one answered. They just nodded. Megan and Parker disappeared into the forest.


I shouted to Megan. I got a thumbs up from her but she wasn't in a talkative mood. Tom and James gather some huge branches and I found some strong leaves to tie them together. We had just finished making a roof on top of 4 poles when Parker and Megan returned. They came back with a selection of berries. We all accepted that would be dinner. We placed them on a rock and Parker helped the men continue to build the shelter. Megan looked me up and down.

'We look like a mess...'

Our clothes were ripped and dirty and we looked awful. She grabbed my hand and we walked for about 5 minutes into the forest. She found some long leaves and grass. A smile grew across her face. She grabbed some supplies and started weaving the grass to stick the leaves. Together. She pointed upwards to show me a coconut tree. At first I had no clue how to get them but then I put my athletic skills to work and climbed the tree. I managed to get to the top and throw the coconuts down. I had scratched all the insides of my legs and arms but it was worth it. It was a supply of food and drink. I looked out for a while to see the ocean. It was truly beautiful. I then spied the five boys on the beach. They were arguing again. They had made an so but that was it. I felt like we should go and help them but I knew the other boys wouldn't like that idea. I climbed back down and wiped all the blood from the little scratches. We headed back with 2 grass skirts and 4 coconuts. The boys found a way of cracking the coconuts and we all shared the milk and the food. We turned to look for the berries but they were gone... We couldn't work it out. We knew we had left them there. There were footprints next to the rock. Parker, Megan and me followed the footprints while Tom and James guarded the shelter. The footprints led us all the way too....


I shouted. Furious at him stealing.

'I'm sorry! You have no idea how hungry I am!'

'It was our food! Get your own!'

'We can't! The moment We started making those letters I wanted to come and find you guys!'

Niall led us to the other boys. Liam, Zayn and Harry didn't look too pleased to see us.

'Come to join us have you?'

'Get over yourself Zayn'

Parker snapped at him.

'Let's stop arguing guys, we need each other. You guys know how to make rescuing signals and we know how to survive. Work together and we will be fine!'

Louis and Niall looked at each other and walked over to me, Megan and Parker.

'They are right guys....'

Louis told Liam, followed by a look of agreement from Niall.


Niall shouted out like a child on Christmas morning. He ran away fixed on a point. We all watched him as he wasn't going that far. He bent down and lifted what looked like a giant piece of wood.

'How this survived I will never know...'

'What is it Niall?'

I asked intrigued in the findings.

'My guitar!'

The smile on his face made him look like a Cheshire cat.


One by one the guys crowded round to see the guitar which was still in perfect condition.

'Hey Niall, fancy playing some campside songs?'

I asked Niall, hoping that he would agree and bring all the boys with him. Niall smiled and followed us. But Liam Zayn and Harry stayed put. It was a shame but I couldn't force them. At first Tom and James gave Niall and Louis the same welcome the other boys gave us... But they warmed to them soon. We all sat down and relaxed under our shelter. We bonded really well but we all felt the absence of the other members...

'Hey, umm any room for one more?'

Harry sheepishly came round the corner. We all smiled and beckoned him in. Within a hour Zayn and Liam had also given up standing their ground and joined us. It was our first night stranded properly. Fully aware of our surroundings....

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