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Megan's P.O.V 

We got up and Edward had brought me breakfast. It was just simple fruits but it was lovely. He let me go out on my own and find the others. Before I could get out of the house Chief stopped me. 



'How are you?'

'Good thank you'

'Good, ready for the big day?'

'What big day?'

'Ahh your wedding of course!'

'My what?'

'I have a deal for you'

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and led me through to a study/ office type of room.

'You marry Edward and I will get your friends off the island.'

'But I don't love Edward?'

'You think I love my wife?'

'But sir!'

'No but's! You will marry Edward.'

It took a while to sink in but I accepted and let Chief arrange a wedding. Louis was the only face that came to mine when someone said wedding. My whole life would be turned upside down again. I would never get to go back... But the others could, if I marry Edward, the others could go home. I made my way through the village to where the others were staying. We went down to the waterfall again. I pulled Helen to one side.

'Everything okay pumpkin?'

'No... Chief is forcing me to marry Edward'

'What? He can't do that!'

'He can... If i marry Edward, you guys can go home.'

'No I'm not leaving you here... None of us will leave you'

'Please Helen... I need your support here. You don't have to tell them I'm getting married, just when Chief offers them a way home, make sure they take it.'

'I'm not leaving you'

'Fine you don't have to, but make sure all the boys do.'

She nodded in agreement and held me close. 


There was a shout from behind Helen. Edward appeared through the trees. The boys all heard and came running out of the water. 

'I promised you I would help you get away!'

' I know you did!'

'Then why have you promised our marriage to my father!'

'You did what?'

Louis asked me.

'I had too... If I marry Edward. Chief will let you guys go home'

'We're not going without you...'

Parker said. He kept glancing at Edward. Parker had been acting really strange recently. There were mutters from the whole group. 

'Guys... Come on, You're one direction, imagine all the desperate fans, wishing you to get home! And you boys... You can carry the band without me!'

'NO we can't megan!'

Tom shouted out. Basically in tears. Helen then spoke up. 

'Guys she's right, you all need to get home. I'm staying here with Megan but you guys must go home.'

'If your staying, I'm staying...'

Liam walked closer to Helen and wrapped his arms around her. 

'Liam no... They aren't one direction without you.'

'I don't care, I'm not me without you...'

And for the first time ever Liam kissed Helen in front of us all. Parker then also spoke out. 

'I'm not leaving either.'

'Please Parker...'

I couldn't bear it if I was dragging my best friend back. 

'If we're all admitting our love, then I will too... Megan please don't marry Edward...'

Everyone gasped. 

'Parker your gay...'

'I know I am? I want to marry Edward.'

Edward held out his hand for Parker.

'You two?'

Next thing we knew Chief was marching down towards us. 

'Hello all! I have an announcement. Megan and Edward are to marry tomorrow...'

The couples had all split. 

'Also, Megan and Edward will be leaders but everyone else, you can go home!'

'How Chief?'

Helen asked. 

'Let me worry about that'

He disappeared with that and left us all.


I shouted at Edward 

'Alright calm down, I'll try and talk to him to push it back...'

'Wait wait wait!'

Niall shouted out

'Our signals!'

'What about them?'

'We can use them to get noticed... We only stopped trying them because we were focusing on surviving but that's being handed to us on a plate...' 

'But it needs to be done by tomorrow....'

'Better get started then!'

The boys all rushed off to help with the signals while Helen, Megan and Edward went back to the house. 

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