New discoveries

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Megan's P.O.V 

I couldn't sleep much on the cold hard ground. The boys all seemed to manage to sleep like logs... I kept looking up to the sky thinking would anyone miss me? I know that millions of girls would be going crazy right now at the thought that their precious one direction are missing. And could be dead... The sun rises and everyone seems to get up. I look at Helen who feels the same. We have to get out of these clothes. My hair was greasy and I just felt horrible. Once everyone had woken up we decided to talk about what to do next. As a team. We came to a collective decision to build more shelter and find somewhere to wash. Helen, Parker and me all went to find somewhere to wash while the big manly men stayed to build shelters. We hadn't walked for more than 2 minutes before we heard shouting and arguing. We made our way through the thick forest. Leaves pinging back in our faces. We were all laughing and telling jokes when the most beautiful waterfall was in front of us. The water was clear blue. Butterflies flew around the plants. As soon as Helen saw it she stripped out of her clothes and dived in. 


But my warning was too late.... She didn't seem to care. Parker shortly followed, as did I. The water was perfect temperature. Gentle and cleansing on my skin. It was just deep enough for me to stand with my whole body in the water. On the bottom was soft sand. We swam underneath the water flow to a rocky area where we could sit and watch the water fall. We thought this would be a good place to bring the boys. We then returned back to gather our clothes and let the boys know. But we had a little surprise waiting for us. We reached the end of the pool and got out. Our clothes were gone. We all stood there in our underwear.

'Guys... This isn't funny' 

Helen shouted out. Everything remained silent. Something didn't feel right. A silhouette of a man came walking towards us. Parker took a step forward and tried to protect us the truth was, he was no stronger than we were... 

'Who are you?'

The stranger man asked us. He stood there in nothing but a piece of cloth wrapped around his waist. It was dirty and ripped. 

'Umm we are, I am Parker, this is Helen and this is Megan'



The man looked us up and down. 

'Can we just have our clothes back'

Helen asked him. With a sense of urgency. He just looked at us again... We were desperate to get away but more people surrounded us. 

'You follow'

He commanded us. We did as we were told to avoid any arguments. Last thing we wanted was ot be murdered by a load of savages. We walked in to see tree houses high up. Children would poke their heads out of the doors to look at the new visitors. Others looked at us scared but confident at the same time. We made it closer to a fire. When everyone moved away from us, the boys were revealed.... 

'They shout at us, try to fight us'

The man shouted. The natives responded with laughter. 

'They are friends....'

Helen tried to reason with him. 

'What is your name?'

'I chief'

'Okay Chief, I'm Helen... They my friends... Please let them go'

He looked decisively at Helen. I wasn't sure if he was going to smile at her or throw her in with the boys. He looked over to the boys and nodded at the men holding them back. The men threw the boys to the floor and laughed. 

'You people new...'

'Yes, our plane crash...'

I tried to explain to him the concept of a plane. It took a while but eventually he got it. 

'You people stay here?'

'Until we can go home' 

He looked round at all of us. He then used his fingers to count us. There was 10 of us. We were split into 3 groups. Helen, Liam and Niall were the first group. Parker, Tom and James were the second and Louis, Harry, Zayn and myself were the last. When Louis was pushed towards me he grabbed me and held me tight from behind. He wrapped his arms around me and Harry stood in front of me. Niall and Liam however looked more scared then Helen and she did most of the protecting.... 

'You all sleep here.'

He pointed up to 3 houses. There were ladders in the trees. 

'Okay but can we have our clothes back?'

Helen repeated again. She had now asked several times... Two women approached and passed our clothes. They obviously knew what each of us were wearing... They also handed us the same as what they were wearing. I tried to explain that I had made some new clothes but they didn't understand and insisted we wore their clothes. Chief still watched our every move. He had given us the freedom to stay but we were guarded around. We asked to go to our rooms which he agreed to. I went to walk away but he held my arm. 

'Not you...'

Louis stood still, refusing to let go of me.

'Louis, I'll be fine...'

I gave him a smile and told him to follow and stick with the others. 

'You come with me....' 

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