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Megan's P.O.V 

The strange man or 'Chief' as he wanted us to call him pointed in the opposite direction to the others and nodded for me to follow him. I was unprotected. Vulnerable. I felt uncomfortable. As we walked through the mini village someone of the women looked at me and whispered. The men gave me strange creepy looks. I tried to block it all out. We came to a set of steps. We walked up and there was a house at the top. Instead of a hard wooden door there was a curtain draped across the entrance. 

I followed him inside. He shouted out a name which I couldn't understand. A small woman appeared. She was pretty, with dark tanned skin, long brown hair with soft curls and a tiny waist. 

'This, my wife'

He pointed at her. I just smiled at her and gave her a little wave. She gave me a sheepish wave back. 

'You stay here...'

He ordered me. He turned his back and went into the next room. His wife then darted over to me. 



'Run, take your friends and go... He will not let you leave unless you...'

He entered again and a young boy under his arm. 

'This my son, you teach him your ways?'

I looked confused at them all. I couldn't quite work out what he meant by my ways...

'You teach him how to be a good man, good husband...'

Woah husband? Slow your horses mate!

'I can't, I don't know how too....'

'Yes, you must'

I looked over at his wife who was staring at the floor. His son stood scared under his dad's control. 

'I could try...'

'Good, you sleep here'

'Oh no, it's alright I can stay with my friends'


The shout echoed across the room. 

'You stay here, with my son, follow.'

We both followed him. Scared of what to do. I was on my own. I kept catching awkward eye contact. He seemed to be shaking. I was led to another room with a curtain as a door. 

'You stay here'

We were pushed in and the Chief left us. It took a while for a conversation to start but I broke the ice eventually.

'Hi, I'm Megan'

I held my hand out for him. 

'I'm Edward' 

He ignored my hand gesture. He didn't have the accent everyone else did. 

'Are you English?'


'How long have you been here?'

'Long enough'

The room fell into silence. I wasn't sure how connect with him. He seemed so lost and scared of what to say or do.

'What does he mean by teach you?'

He laughed to himself.

'You have no idea, do you?'

I stood motionless. I wasn't sure what he meant by that.

'You've just landed into your worst nightmare...'

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