Whats Hermione Granger Doing In Your Bed?

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Whats Hermione Granger Doing In Your Bed?

She may have not expected Malfoy to have pulled her in and kissed her like that but she most certainly didn't expect the lusting left imprinted on her lips afterwards.

"Haven't I already answered your question?" Hermione whispered smirking as she looked up into those crystal grey eyes.

"I suppose you have, but it's more fun to hear the book-worm-good-girl-Granger actually say it."

"Ugh fine! Yes Mr Draco Malfoy, I'm ready to ruin my reputation and put my friendship with Harry on the line if I get caught and most certainly loosing my boyfriend." Hermione huffed rolling her eyes and sticking her nose up into the air as if she were a stubborn child.

Malfoy chuckled, his hand leaving the back of her head and pulling a strand of brown frizzy hair away from her chocolate eyes.

"That's better, see now the thrill is really in." He muttered taking her hand fully as he turned and walked her out into the dark courtyard staying close to the pillars in case they would need a reason to hide from any incoming students.

"Why? Because I admitted to most probably hurting the two people who I love the most in the world? My best friends?" Hermione hadn't intended it to sound so upset and pissed like but it had come out like that and Malfoy heard it right away.

 Frowning, Malfoy stopped walking causing Hermione to almost slam into his back before he turned around to face her.

"If you are going to keep talking like that, always looking to them-" Hermione cut him off knowing where he was going with his words.

"I'm not. But you had asked in a way. Besides, Harry seems to busy to even notice and Ron..." She cut off as she tried to think of an excuse for why Ron wouldn't find out, but somehow, she just couldn't think of one. Maybe it was just because he was busy with school work? But then again, Ron had never noticed much unless it was a death situation and then again it took a lot.

"Good." Said Malfoy smiling suddenly and continuing to walk not bothered to hear Hermione's excuse for Ron.

"Where are we going anyway?" She whispered ducking her head low a little.

"Quidditch Court." Malfoy muttered, his eyes focused on the run towards the court to make sure no one was coming. "Do you have your wand?" 

He took a glance at Hermione over his shoulder as she nodded and took it from her bag holding it in her free  hand before taking hold of Malfoy's once again.

"Good, now on three, we run and hide behind the Slytherin coloured stand."

"Why the Slytherin? Why not Gryffindor?" Hermione asked frowning as she pulled her hand from Malfoys and straightened her posture. "Gryffindor is just as good."

Malfoy huffed trying not to burst into a fit of laughter, "You wish. And it's Slytherin because I'm the leader and you do as the leader says."

She opened her mouth to say something back but closed it again. He had a valid point...and she guessed the Slytherin stand wasn't so bad of course unless she got caught, then it would be pretty bad but sighing she nodded and listened as Malfoy began to count.

"One.....tw-" Before he could get the next number out, Hermione had sprinted towards the stand smirking as she heard Malfoy curse under his breath before his feet sounded behind her gaining faaster speed. Hermione looked over her shoulder her eyes wide as she saw him gaining on to her.

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