Victory of the Daleks (pt 3)

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The Doctor and I stood in the TARDIS, listening in to both pilot and dalek transmissions. "Danny Boy to the Doctor..." the pilot called solemnly, "only me left now. Anything you can do, sir? Over." the pilot asked from his plane in space, hopelessly trying to take down the dalek ship with one little fighter plane, even if it was installed with alien technology.

The Doctor hung his head low and picked up a small microphone from the console. "I can disrupt the Dalek shields, but not for long. Over."

"Good show, Doctor, go to it. Over." The pilot responded. The Doctor began pulling levers and typing things in the console to disrupt the shields.

I felt the ground shake a little, and I knew that the pilot had successfully blasted part of the ship. "Danny Boy to the Doctor... going in for another attack."

The Doctor picked up his microphone again, looking at the monitor. "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Destroy this ship! Over." he commanded.

"What about you, Doctor?" Danny Boy asked him.

"We'll be okay."

I stood leaning against the rail and nervously played with my locket, not wanting to deal with what was next. To the left of us, a white dalek appeared on a big circular monitor. "Doctor! Call off your attack!"

"Ah-ha, what? And let you scuttle off back to the future? No fear. This is the end for you. The final end!" The Doctor hissed, walking up to the monitor. I kept tangling and untangling the long chain in my hands. Maybe it would have been the final end if I hadn't been so stupid.

"Call off the attack, or we will destroy the Earth." The dalek echoed.

The Doctor looked slightly triumphant. "I'm not stupid mate, you've just played your last card."

"Bracewell is a bomb," the dalek told him simply.

The Doctor was a little worried now. "You're bluffing. Deception's second nature to you. There isn't a sincere bone in your body! There isn't a bone... in your body."

"His power is derived from an Oblivion Continuum! Call off your attack, or we will detonate the android."

The Doctor went back to the console and pushed a button, disappearing the big monitor so that now the dalek was on the small TARDIS monitor in front of him. Now it was just him and the dalek, face to... shield, or armor, casing... thingy. "No! This is my best chance ever! The last of the Daleks! I can rid the Universe of you, once and for all!"

"Then do it. But we will shatter the planet below! The Earth will die screaming!"

"And if I let you go, you'll be stronger than ever. A new race of Daleks."

"Then choose, Doctor! Destroy the Daleks or save the Earth. Begin countdown of Oblivion Continuum! Choose, Doctor! Choose! Choose!"

The Doctor looked down a little before turning to me. He looked at me as if he were asking me what to do. Of course, I still had a blinding hatred and fear for the daleks that felt so powerful it was terrifying, but there was no way I would let the earth die. I knew the bomb was real, and it was my fault, but no matter how much I hated the daleks, those people didn't deserve it. So I walked over and picked up the microphone. I handed it to him, knowing that Danny Boy probably wouldn't trust an order from me, and I wasn't sure what to say anyway. The Doctor eyed me carefully and took the microphone solemnly before speaking into it. "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Withdraw."

"Say again, sir. Over." The pilot replied.

"Withdraw! Return to Earth. Over and out," the Doctor spoke again, this time with more life in his voice, realizing what was at stake.

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