The Big Bang (pt 2)

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When we stepped onto the roof, three things were very evident the moment I got there. First, the Doctor looked stupid with a fez on. Second, the sun was definitely River in the exploding TARDIS. And three, I had to die.

"What, it's morning already? How did that happen?" Amy asked.

"History is shrinking. Is anybody listening to me? Universe is collapsing. We don't have much time left." The Doctor jumped up onto a platform and used his screwdriver to scan a satellite dish.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked.

"Looking for the TARDIS."

"But the TARDIS exploded."

"Okay, then. I'm looking for an exploding TARDIS," The Doctor removed the satellite dish from the poles, sparks flashing.

"I don't understand. So, the TARDIS blew up and took the universe with it. Why would it do that? How?!" Amy asked frantically.

The Doctor stepped up on the ledge of the roof, holding up the dish to the sky. "Good question for another day. But for now... total event collapse means that every star in the universe never happened. Not one of them ever shone. So, if all the stars that ever were are gone, then what is that?" The Doctor pointed to the giant yellow fireball in the sky. "Like I said, I'm looking for an exploding TARDIS."

"But that's the sun," Rory tried.

"Is it? Here's the noise that sun is making right now." The Doctor amplified the satellite dish with the sonic, and the whirring of the TARDIS resonated. "That's my TARDIS burning up. That's what's been keeping the Earth warm."

"Doctor, there's something else. There's a voice." Rory squinted.

"I can't hear anything," Amy shook her head.

"Trust the plastic," Rory pointed to his head, annoyed.

The Doctor adjusted settings on his sonic, and soon enough the familiar voice was heard, repeating, "I'm sorry, my love," over and over.

"Doctor, I need... I need to go up there," I said passionately, albeit somewhat hesitantly. This was part one of what I had to do to save my universe.

The Doctor stepped down from the ledge and walked up close to me, and asked seriously, "Why?"

"I—just, really do," my eyes watered at the thought of everything that I had to do, and that this was just the beginning. "Please, please just trust me," I whispered.

I tried my best to keep any tears from falling, but I guess the Doctor noticed the glassy look in my eyes, because he took off the vortex manipulator from his wrist and grabbed my hand, securing it on mine, punching numbers in. "Whenever you're ready."

"Thank you," I breathed one last time, before pressing the button.


"River!" I exclaimed as soon as I materialized in the TARDIS by the door.

River looked down at her watch, and back up to me. "Well, finally!"

"I have to tell you something," I walked up to River, grabbing her arms. "To even it out."

"Even what out—? Oh, no, Nova, no spoilers!" River stopped me. Since she spoiled something for me, I was going to spoil something for her—because I had to.

"No, this is really important! The Doctor isn't going to die! He's not. Not today during this, okay? Everything will work out perfectly fine and no one's screwed anything up—so you have to give me time to talk to him, okay? I need him to do something."

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