Urgent News And Plans

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Sunset POV

I waited for Twilight by the Wondercolt statue where the portal is. She wrote to me saying that she has urgent news. Hopefully the news isn't as bad as i think.

The portal opened up as Twilight flew out like she got flung from a catapult.

"H-hey, Sunset," she said rubbing her head. Spike flew out behind her and landed on top of her.

"Sorry Twilight," he said.

"Its ok"

"Whats the news Twilight, is it really bad," i asked, urgently.

"Im afraid so"

"W-what is it"

"The cure, it'll take more than i thought"

"What do you mean"

She got up holding Spike close to her

"There might be a possible chance that Dashie wont be cured"

Dash POV

I looked again and again at my face in the mirror. Im not putting on make-up, but this stupid scar is bothering me.

Makes me feel like i just got out of an accident.

"Stupid Trixie," i muttered. "Might as well call her The Nooby and Weak Trixie"

I let out my breath. I couldn't take this anymore. What if Scootaloo finds out what happened to me during the week. She'll might dont want me to be her sister anymore.

Soarin is probably sleeping on the couch. Remembering how his touch feels makes me feel better. Should i go to the showcase or not?

Then it hit me, if Soarin is there with me, maybe ill feel a lot better showing my face.

I looked at myself in the mirror in confidence. Yea, ill feel a lot better.

I was about to wake him up to tell him, but a loud bang shook the house.

Rarity ran into the house and slammed the door. She lookef excited.

"OH RAINBOW DASH, YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS," she yelled excitedly.

"Oh i probably wont," i said walking out of the bathroom.

"Tenderhoof kissed me, it was so uh how do you say breathtaking"

"He, i betcha he imagined you as Applejack"

"No, he said my name after he kissed me"

"Uh huh, yea sure"

"Oh dear, i think i woke up your boyfriend"

"He slept all day anyways, I dont care anymore," fibbing, im glad she woke him up. Now i can tell him.

"Oh Dash, you should come with us tomorrow for the showcase, you're thr leader of the band after all"

"Yea, Soarin i have to tell you something about that"

"If you two need space, ill be right outside the door, toodles," she walked outside and closed the door.

"Soarin, i thought you can come on stage with me to make me feel better"

He rubbed his eyes for a second then heard what i said.

"Are you saying that you'll be going"

"Well yea, but only if your going to be with me"

"Of course, better than front row seats"

He squeezed me tight, and i gave in. Like i said his touch makes me feel better.

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