Chapter 1

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Hello guys! Welcome my newest story, Be There For Me. I just wanted to clarify somethings really quick. I know in all of the my stories, the main character's names are Jessica, but I feel like I can really connect to the story better if I name them after me. The other main character's name is Clinton Anderson. He, in real life, is a very successful and famous Australian horse trainer, who currently lives in Texas. Clinton is around forty years old, in real life, but in the story, he is 30 years old. Jessica is 25 years old.

Jessica's POV

I have never been able to get away from my "boyfriend", if that's what you call that jerk. I can't count how many times that man has hit me.

On the outside he looks like the nicest man you'll ever meet, but on this inside, he's the devil. He changes as fast as Clark does Superman.

We've been "together" for a year now, and I've regretted 90% of it. The first couple of weeks were perfect until he changed. He's dragged me away from me family, the only people who cared about me, and he doesn't care one bit. I have scratch marks from when he's hit me, bite marks on me from when he's bitten me, and bruises every where from everyone does to me.

Tomorrow morning I will make my move. He will never see it coming.

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