Adoption and writing

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The next morning Chloe woke up all excited. "Come on Becs." She said. "What?" Beca asked. "We gotta ask Em." "Let the kid sleep. We'll ask her later." Beca said. They went downstairs and made breakfast when Emily walked in. "Hey Em." Beca said. "Morning." She said. "Did you sleep well?" Chloe asked. "Haven't slept this good in ages." Beca and Chloe smiled. "So...." Chloe said. Beca looked at her with a questioning look. "We gotta tell her sometime." Chloe whispered. "Fine." Beca whispered back. "We have a question for you Emily." Chloe said as Beca gave Emily some eggs with bacon. "Sorry, I'm not the best cook." Beca said. "It's okay, so what's the question?" "Well.. Beca and I thought about it and we want to adopt you." Chloe said. Emily choked on her egg. "Seriously?" She asked. Chloe nodded, Emily looked at Beca. "Beca?" She asked."What?" Beca had not been listening too carefully. "Is it true?" "About the adoption, yeah it is." Beca said. "So we just wanted to know what you thought." Chloe said. "I just, I mean of course I wouldn't mind, I would love you two to be my parents I just don't want to be in your way." "Oh come on Em how many times do we have to tell you?" "Well if you're sure then why not." Chloe jumped up and down and hugged them. Beca and Emily just chuckled.

"So Em and I gotta go writing, kay?" Beca asked. Chloe nodded and Beca and Emily walked to the studio. They sat down at the table. "Now just throw out anything that's in your head." Beca said. "Food." Emily said. Beca laughed out loud joined by Emily. "Okay uhm what about my past I think I could put some out of that into a song." Emily suggested. "Sure." Beca said. "Just write some things down it could be feelings or just words." Beca explained. Emily did as told and gave Beca a list of words and phrases 10 minutes later. Beca started reading it. "Wow Em this is just perfect. Would you mind if I try some melodies and beats and see how it works out and then we can sing some things together." "Sure, so I'll go see Chlo." Em said and walked to the living room where Chloe was reading. "Hey Chlo." Emily said and sat down next to her. "Hey Em." "So when exactly are you and Beca my parents?" "In a week probably if everything goes correctly." "Cool!"

Meanwhile Beca had been busy in the studio. Even though she wasn't very famous yet, Beca had asked one of her best friends Anna Kendrick for some contacts of people. She had collected a group of people and had asked them whether they were interested in singing something with her and she told about Emily. Everybody would be part of the album and soon everybody had agreed. The group contained: Anna, Brittany Snow, Shawn Mendes, Hailee Steinfeld, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran and Charlie Puth. Beca would tell Emily and Chloe later, because she wanted it to be a surprise.

After a while Beca got out of the studio and when she walked into the living room she saw Emily and Chloe cuddled up, she smiled. "So anybody wanting to go with me?" Beca asked. Chloe and Emily both looked up. "Where are you going?" Chloe asked as Beca got her leather jacket and purse. "I'm gonna get us dinner from Taco Bell." Emily smiled. "I'll go with you." She said. "I'll go too, but what time is it?" Chloe asked. Beca looked at her watch, "7." She said. "Wow you've been working hard in there haven't ya?" Chloe asked. "I've written some songs and tried some beats, but yeah." They got into the car and drove to Taco Bell.

When they finished dinner Chloe and Beca got up to wash the dishes. They finished when Beca decided to tell them. "I gotta tell you guys something and ask actually." Beca said. Chloe and Emily sat down on the sofa next to Beca. "What?" Chloe asked. "Uhm well, Anna gave me some phone numbers." Beca said. Emily eyes widened, "Anna Kendrick?" "Yeah." Beca smiled. "Maybe get used to the fact that you'll meet some people, because Chlo and I have some friends." Beca chuckled. "Cool but what numbers did she give you?" "Well I thought that maybe if you agreed I could ask some people to come and sing some songs with us, our songs that we've written and we could have the best album ever." Emily's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding?" Emily asked. "I don't think so." Beca said with a smirk. "Oh my god!" Chloe said. "So that's a yes to the question whether or not you're okay with it?" Emily nodded just as Chloe. "So when do we meet with these people and most of all who are these people?" Emily asked. "Let me see, Anna, Brittany Snow, Shawn Mendes, Hailee Steinfeld, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran and Charlie Puth. I think that's it." Beca said. "I already love you more than I thought." Emily said and ran over to give her a hug.

If this is what it takes (Bechloe)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz