1 *editing*

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  • Dedicated to Emily Lynn/Piggles

Click, slip, ding! 

Olwyn changes gears on her bike. It slides along easily and steadily swoops as she avoids a pebble on the road. Her dark hair flies behind her as she picks up speed. She turns a corner and swerves onto the pavement and down a slope into a busy town square which was filled with market stalls. She gets off her bike and chains it onto a bike-dock.

"Hey, Wyn!" says a red-haired girl waving to her from a nearby stall selling old ornaments and home-baked biscuits. "What are you doing here today?"

"Hi, Scarlett. I had just needed to get away from the tension of home."

"I understand." Scarlett winks jokingly.

Olwyn laughs and picks up a small ring to see the tag. As she looks closer, she sees an engraving on the inside saying 'To Eliza, xx Erin'. "Cool ring"

"Oh, yes. I don't remember where I found that ring." says Scarlett's mother. "You wanna buy it? One pound."

"Uh - yeah - of course." she quickly pulls out a £1 coin. Scarlett's mother takes the coin and tells Scarlett to go and look at the stalls with Olwyn.

"So," she says, taking out her hairband and letting her red hair curl around her face like flames. "the ring. It's really weird. It just turned up. Nobody knows where Mam found it, or when. Not even her. Spooky, huh?"

Olwyn puts the ring on and looks at its bright-green jewel. It's got a very slight black mark on it, curling from the base, round to the tip.

    They soon reach a stall which has clothes lining both the inside and the outside. Scarlett immediately lunges at a shirt with glow-in-the-dark butterflies, but hits someone else's hand. "Hey, I saw it fi-- Oh!"

"Oh, hey, Riza. Just the person we've been looking for. Want to go get a hotdog?"

***20 minutes later***

Olwyn rubs her stomach as she walks along with an empty hotdog napkin in her hand. It still smells nice.

"So, Riza, did you find anything about the hospital?" asks Scarlett, carefully folding her blue napkin into a hat.

"Yeah, loads! I found some really interesting articles in the Lions Weekly Gazette archive about the founders, and there was quite a bit about Lia Carter. But the weird thing is, her name changed half way through the process to Lia Hart."

"When was that?"


"Wait. Have you two got your bikes?" says Olwyn. The others nod. "We need to go. Quickly. Just follow me."

    She runs back to the bike-docks and stops dead in her tracks. A blood-curdling scream comes from her mouth. She falls onto her knees with a crash. Olwyn doesn't even feel the small scrapes on her legs slowly leaking blood.

"WHERE'S MY BIKE?!" she stares at the empty space in front of her with eyes the size of footballs. "SOMEONE STOLE MY BIKE! HELP! HELP!"

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