XI: Letters from the Sky

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Aleks had been right to be cautious.

They'd lost Aron, one day after departing for their task. 

The truck was deadly silent. Jordan's hands were clenched tightly around the steering wheel as he drove towards the direction of camp, and the air was thick with hostile tension.

Aleks was desperate to break it. He wanted to scream at Jordan for his stupidity and bad judgement, but he forced himself to wait. Instead, he focused on fixing himself up, channelling his anger as he tugged glass shards out of his arm. Blood pooled to the surface, spotting his clothing, but he was too enraged to feel any pain. He quickly rolled down the window to toss the glass out before he could use it to slash Jordan's throat.

More blood was scattered over his clothing, a bleak reminder of what Aleks had been forced to face that day, at the fault of his alleged leader. The three of them had been ambushed by dozens of infected, and Jordan had left in a heroic attempt to lead them away.

He'd failed to lure them all, and Aleks and Aron had been surrounded. They would have made it out in one piece if Jordan hadn't locked them inside the building; a fatal mistake. They were helpless prey, and they'd dived out of a window to grasp at their chance of survival, falling two stories until they hit the ground. A zombie broke Aleks's fall, and he'd viciously hacked his way out of the crowds of infected: injured, but alive.

He thought he had cleared a path for Aron too, but he'd been horrified when he realised he was alone. Aron was gone.

Aleks knew he had fucked up today, but his actions had only stemmed from Jordan's decisions. He was the one to blame.

He knew Jordan felt differently; the bitter words they'd exchanged as they frantically combed the streets for Aron made that quite clear. They weren't speaking now, both furious at each other, but Aleks knew a fight was going to break out once they were inside the walls of camp.

Minutes later, they reached their destination. The gate opened, allowing Jordan to drive inside, and a crowd of campers began to make their way over once the truck rolled to a stop. Aleks couldn't see James, much to his dismay, and he eased himself carefully out of the vehicle, not wanting to strain his aching muscles. He glared venomously at Jordan as he did so; his leader not sharing the same burden as him as he was completely unhurt.

Everyone around the truck was struck silent as they took in the sight in front of them, all realising in unison that Aron was missing. Aleks shifted uncomfortably under their stares, waiting for the inevitable questioning to start. Seamus and Dan in particular looked ready for answers.

Fortunately, the most beautiful sound prevented them from starting their inquiry. "One day, you said." Aleks heard James's voice distantly, seeing his mop of black hair at the back of the crowd. "You're a fucking liar Jordan. I've been going crazy thinking about—"

The words suddenly died on James's lips as he emerged from the mass of people, freezing in horror when he laid eyes on Aleks for the first time.

Aleks tried to smile reassuringly at him. Considering how alarmed James looked, Aleks knew he must look like hell. He'd been lucky not to break anything, but he'd still been battered brutally as he fought for his life against the strength of the infected humans.

James quickly glanced at Jordan, frowning as he noticed his lack of wounds, and then he turned his attention back to his hurt partner, his face flooding with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly, starting forward – not the question Aleks was expecting. He wondered if James had even noticed Aron's absence.

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