XXIV: Everything Burns

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A/N: For those asking...Atlas will be thirty chapters altogether, so we still have a little way to go. Enjoy the rest of the journey!

Aleks woke at the light of a new day, when dawn broke and the morning sun illuminated the room with a warm, orange hue.

The first thing he did was check on James. He was sleeping peacefully, his temperature normal, and his wound appeared to be healing nicely. Aleks didn't want to wake him, knowing that he needed the rest, and he left the bed to walk over to the window, the Creature camp his second priority.

As he peered behind the blind, he could see some of his friends in the courtyard, gathering wood and various other materials to rebuild their home with.

Aleks also saw something that made his heart clench. Outside of the damaged wall, were fifteen unlit pyres, the bodies of his former campmates resting upon them.

Today, Aleks was going to show them the respect they deserved, ashamed of the dismissive way he'd handled their deaths during the battle. Nearly losing James had blurred his perspective, but now he was going to honor their memory; honor the sacrifice they'd made.

Then, Aleks finally examined his gunshot wound, his own health a minor priority compared to James's. He pulled the bandage away gingerly, relieved to see no sign of infection or ruptured stitches, and he redressed the injury with the fresh bandaging that had been left out for him.

Stefani had also left clean clothing and a basin of water for the both of them, and Aleks washed quickly, grateful to be out of his war-torn clothing. He decided to forgo his shirt for the time being, so that he could clean James without worrying about dripping water over his clothes.

He couldn't change James out of his clothes whilst he was asleep, and he didn't want to lest he unintentionally caused him more pain. So he washed his uncovered skin instead, using a cloth to cleanse his scrapes and bruises.

He heard James stir a couple of minutes later, and he grabbed another cloth to wipe away the droplets of water.

"You're the hottest doctor I've ever had." He heard James whisper tiredly, his voice coarse with fatigue as he reached out, settling his hand on Aleks's bare chest.

Aleks tossed the cloth away, finished with his task, and he grinned down at James, grateful for his blithe greeting. "Hey you." He murmured, leaning down to run his fingers tenderly through James's hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." James said casually, tracing the outline of Aleks's eagle tattoo with his fingertips.

Aleks couldn't resist a small insult. "Really? You don't look it."

"Asshole." The retort was swift, James back to his buoyant self.

Aleks beamed, comforted by the playful familiarity.

But the lighthearted moment didn't linger. James frowned slightly, moving his hand to touch Aleks's bandage gently. "How are you doing?" He asked quietly.

"I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt." Aleks responded, speaking the truth. He captured James's hand in his and lifted it to his lips, kissing his palm reassuringly. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving." There was hunger in James's dark eyes, but it wasn't for food.

Aleks wanted him too, desperately needing to affirm their love for each other in the best way he knew how, but he knew that they wouldn't be having sex for a long time. Not until James was completely healthy again, and able to move without wincing. "Behave." He chided him softly, releasing his hand to pick up his shirt and pull it on. "I'll be back in a minute."

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