XXV: The Hardest Goodbye

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Aleks didn't wait to start making preparations. The moment the memorial service was over, he asked his most trusted companions to join him in the medical bay, knowing James needed to go back to bed, his energy fading fast.

His friends agreed to meet with him, and they steadily made their way back into camp. Aleks kept his hand on the small of James's back as he limped into the hotel, not allowing the crutches to get in his way as he supported him.

James was quiet as they walked, and Aleks knew that he'd sensed something was up.

Once they were all inside the medical room, Aleks closed the door and turned his expectant gaze to James, waiting for him to get back into bed before he made his announcement.

But James remained standing, propped up on his crutches. He looked exhausted but his back was ramrod straight, his feet planted firmly on the ground. His fixed stance told Aleks that he was a man that wouldn't be moved, so he didn't try to reason with him.

It wasn't worth the argument; he knew that James was going to explode anyway when he heard of Aleks's plan – a plan that didn't include him.

"Out with it then." Dexter remarked, perching on James's vacant bed. "What's up?"

His plan was meant for his friends, but Aleks didn't take his eyes away from James as he spoke. "Tomorrow, I'm going to Aurora." He stated, watching as his boyfriend's lips flattened into a thin line.

James didn't look surprised, having already come to that conclusion. "No." His tone was assertive, absolutely no room for argument. "No, you're not."

His friends wisely remained silent, waiting for Aleks to continue.

He did so, ignoring James's unhappy frown as he directed his gaze at his friends. "If the Hunters attack here again, we're all dead. The camp's defences have been weakened, and it's going to take us days to repair the damage. I want to go to Aurora, find their base, and take the rest of them out."

"No." James said again, his voice louder this time, angry that Aleks was ignoring him.

"I'm asking you all to join me, but I understand if you don't want to." That night had shattered everyone in different ways, and Aleks knew that some of his friends wouldn't be ready to go back into the field. He was happy to do this mission alone, but having a team around him would make it easier.

"Stupid. Of course we're going with you." Dexter responded, and Dan nodded his agreement, both men enthused by the plan, judging from their smirks. "I want to take those motherfuckers down."

James shook his head, clearly annoyed by their agreement, but he stayed silent as Aleks turned to Seamus.

"Thank you for including me this time, instead of charging off and stealing a truck." Seamus said dryly, recalling Aleks's actions during the night of the battle. "I'm ready to go when you are. I'm in."

"I'm coming too." Aron piped up, causing the others to glance at him in surprise. Aleks wasn't shocked though; he knew how lethal his friend could be, and he was grateful to have him. "I've been working on a special project that I'd love to surprise the Hunters with." Judging from his cunning smile, it was a deadly one.

That only left Jordan, and he gave Aleks a tired smile. "I'd go with you, but I'm not mobile enough." He said, gesturing to his sprained ankle. "I'd only slow you guys down. Go, with my blessing."

Aleks hadn't expected Jordan to tag along, but he'd invited him to the conversation so that he didn't anger him by making decisions behind his back. They might be friends, but Jordan was still in charge, responsible for the welfare of everyone in camp, and Aleks was glad to have his approval.

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