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Jagged intakes of breath was all that could be heard in his tiny room, as Tyler Joseph tried to calm himself down.

"I'm not crazy," Tyler's voice came out softly as he stared at the white walls surrounded him.

"We both know that's bullshit." Blurry laughed out, standing directly across from Tyler.

Tyler looked up from his hands, at the only person who added color to the room. The red eyes of Blurry stared at him, a big shit-eating grin on his face.

Blurryface was leaning up against the scratched paint of the white walls, rubbing at his ink-stained neck. His red hat was on the floor by his shoes.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" Tyler moved his tired brown eyes away from him, and stared at the floor.

"Because I'm you, Ty. And you refuse to take your pills. Now if you can let me back inside you -"

"I told you no, already!" The last time Tyler let Blurry take over, he nearly killed his best friend. The best friend that insisted he needed help. The reason why he was in this shithole.

Blurry smirked and stood upright. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a pen.

"Might as well get your privileges taken away. No one wants to hear you play the piano, anyway. You actualllyyy suck." He chuckled as he started to write a word on the wall.

"Stop," Tyler warned, glaring up at Blurry.

"Hm? Couldn't hear you, Lil Ty." He grinned his signature evil smile, as Tyler watched him write.


He dropped the pen, and stared down at Tyler, his red eyes glowing with mischief. They heard the key in the lock of the door, making the two of them look.

"Looks like that's my cue to go," Blurry picked up his hat, pulling it over his head. "I'll see you in a bit, Buddy." He winked, and disappeared as the door creaked open.

"Joseph! This is the third time you have written on the wall in one month! You know the circumstances. No piano, no rec room for three more weeks! Next time you will never be allowed out of this room!" Andrea, the old, mean nurse that had been taking care of him since he was checked in screamed at him.

Andrea was a taller lady. She had curly brown hair, that was streaked with gray. Her eyes were a dark brown, and were always magnified behind her round rimmed glasses. She was in her late fifties, and Tyler constantly wondered why she hadn't retired yet.

She slammed his food tray down on his bedside table, some of the water in his glass spilling out near his disgusting corn and mashed potatoes.

"I expect you to wipe it off, somehow." With that, Andrea was gone. Of course, she would be back sometime to get Tyler's tray.


The next morning.

Tyler was left wondering where Blurry was all morning. For some reason, he wasn't there. No - Tyler did not take his pills. Nor would he. They made him dizzy, tired, and even more depressed.

Tyler was laying in his all white bed, in his all white clothes, whilst staring at the all white ceiling, he sighed. I think you get it - Everything was white.

Only Blurry added color.

He heard the stir of the crazy old man across the hall, yelling about how he wanted his breakfast or he would disfigure every single person in the asylum.

Luckily, he was fed.

As Tyler was laying in his bed, he heard a knock on his door, before it was unlocked, and opened.

He knew it wasn't Andrea. If it was her, she would just bust in, not caring if Tyler was talking to Blurry, if he had his dick in his hand, or if he was writing. Andrea would never knock.

In walked a girl with dirty blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes. She was only about 5'3 and she couldn't be older than 24. She was dressed in the usual asylum employee attire; a white button up shirt, a white skirt, and white shoes.

There's always so much white.

But - She was wearing red lipstick. The only time he saw color was with Blurry. Now he actually got to see it on someone else.

"Hi.. I'm Anita. I'm your new nurse," She softly said, a smile on her slightly chubby face.

"Andrea, your old nurse retired. I've been around this hospital for about a month, actually, learning the basics and how to take care of you." She wasn't talking to him like a baby, she was talking to him like he was human. Normal.

"Tyler's got a girlfriend, Tyler's got a girlfriend!" The sudden shouting of Blurry made him jump, and quickly look behind the girl.

There he was, making faces, and jumping around.

"Are you okay, Tyler?" Anita asked, and he instantly moved his brown eyes back to her blues.

"You called me Tyler?" He questioned, so, so softly..

"Yes, is that okay? I can call you Joseph like -"

"No - Please call me Tyler.." He smiled, trying to avoid the dancing Blurryface behind the cute girl.

"Oh. You think she's CUTE?!!" Blurry bursted out laughing, and obviously checked out her ass.

"She would never want you. You're crazy, Tyler. You're fucking insane." Blurry smirked..


HI HI. that was the end of chapter one ((: this story is a little weird, so don't judge it!! I hope you like it. please vote if you do ♥♥ I'll update it soon!

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