Chapter 4: Intros

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I walked down the aisle and sat next to.... Anna? No, it's not Anna. Ariana? April? Err. What is her name, I can't even say hi! Think Chris Think! It's the name of a mermaid. From some movie my little sister watches... Red haired girl speaks to a crab....Got it!

"Hey, Arielle!" I spoke and her eyes lit and she smiled. Her smile is beautiful, even with those braces. Her dimples are so deep.

"Hi, Chris." Her voice was low and soft.

Angela and her very 'bright' personality, turn around saw me.

"Chris, you know Arielle? How? She just came to Brighton." Angela questioned.

I scratched my head in nervousness, a habit, I really didn't want to tell her the incident, embarrassingly. But, Alex beat me to it. I sipped on my frappe. He is known as the Magazine in school. He seems to know anything and everything about the student body. Need information, go to him.

"He stepped on Arielle's glasses this morning on the bus." Alex announced and it seems as the rest of students penetrated their gaze towards me.

"It was an accident! Right, Arielle?" I looked at her ever gracious face as she dipped her head in embarrassment, while playing games on her phone.

"Yes, Angela it was an accident, the bus jerked at a stop and slipped off my face. They landed under his foot. Don't blame him."

"Ha, told you! I'm not a bad guy." I crossed my arms in triumph. Pssh, I would never do that on purpose.

"Whatever fool, I'm glad you did it." Angela said biting the inside of her cheek.

Alex and me looked at each other and then back at Angela in shock. Arielle did as well.

"Great job being respectful Angela." Alex rolled eyes.

"Those glasses would be blocking her gorgeous eyes! They're beautiful." Angela smiled. I couldn't agree more.

"True. Very true. You agree right Chris?" Alex retort to Angela.

"I guess." I said nonchalantly.

The bell rang and dismissed us students to class. Arielle was out the door with Angela in tow.

I felt bad for just saying that, but I couldn't tell her that with a thousand eyes watching our conversation. They watch and tell my every move to my girlfriend. I'm always the talk of the school, because according to Alex, I'm Mr. Popularity.


Lunch time. 10:30am. For Seniors lunch is after 2nd period. Each class is an hour. For Juniors, Sophmores and Freshmen, they have 8 classes compared to our 4 because we have majority of credits to graduate. But all classes has lunch at the same time.

Strolled down the hall with my friends, Gabriel, Andrew and Jason. We've been friends ever since middle school. Since we all love basketball and Playboy bunnies, our friendship was already made.

"Yo, basketball season next week!" Jason shouted and dapped me up.

"You know that means... cheerleaders! And their short skirts." Andrew raunchy personality shine through his words.

"Let's not be focused on that. Let's focus on the championship for this season. Our final season of high school!" Gabriel shouldered me and nodded towards the trophy case that was structured into the left wall of main street. Where students were chatting loudly.

"Agreed. You got me pumped already, and season isn't until 2 weeks." I smirked at Gabriel as he laughed.

As a group we walked to the cafeteria. The lines were cluttered and long with hungry students. When it comes to food, I don't have very much patience. I am a growing man, who needs food. Me and Gabriel started talking about LeBron James's average against Kevin Durant's to pass time.

"You idiot Durant has better stats. And LeBron, he has been in the game way longer though, which is even more wild!"

"Yeah, but tell who has a ring?!" I questioned him.

"Nah, LeBron has missed many chances to get a ring okay? So that doesn't count." Gabriel waved.

"Delusional." I patted his shoulder. We all know who is better.

Before Gabriel can reiterate, a high pitch voice came across the cafeteria. Everyone saw who it was and rolled their eyes back to what they were doing.

My girlfriend Madeline.

We've been dating for 2 years. Everyone knows her because she Mr. and Mrs. Potter's daughter. Her parents run Olympia and also Madeline is known for her mean streak.

"Hey, babe." She kissed me gently and placed my hands around her.

"Hey. How is your day going so far?" I asked het. Her light brown hair had streaks of blonde and her golden brown eyes gleam brightly. Madeline was wearing a pink curtain dress. It's something like that, I forgot what it was called. Maxi? Yeah that's it. And she had gold sandals on her feet.

"Amazing. Since now I'm with you. Math was dreadful, Ms. Kennedy gave out homework on the first day." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Gripping her shoulders I said, "You know I'll help you out after school."

Her smile was sultry. "I know you will since my parents are going to that Town Hall meeting about housing and carp. Have three hours all to ourselves." She said that quite loudly for people who are 6 feet away can hear. Let's just say Madeline has a very 'gloatful' attitude.

"Umm, yeah just me and you."

I was at the cashier when I got my chilli fries and hot dog, arm and arm, me and Madeline strolled to out to our table that sat in the middle of Cafeteria. Gabriel, Jason and Andrew and the basketball player named Johnson sat at the lunch table. Two of their girlfriends sat with us. Madeline friends, actually her two cousins came over with her to the table.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen." I bowed at the table and they laughed.

We seated and had conversations, switching subject to subject.

"Guys! I forgot to tell you something," Madelina called over our noise. "These are my cousins. Lauren and Mandy." She introduced them. They waved and said hi to each one of us.

"You both transferred here?" I asked the cousins.

"Yeah, from Dexter High. It was so boring and dead." Lauren answered. Mandy nodded in agreement.

I stopped chewing on my fries and cocked my head.

"You came from Dexter High? So did this other girl." I said. Madeline eyes from the corner of my left eye glared at me.

"How do you know 'this girl'." She gritted her teeth. Might I add she is also the jealous type.

"She was in my homeroom, I asked her because I never seen her before. Arielle said "Dexter High." I lied. Well actually not very much. I just switched the words around and the setting.

Madeline gasped, "AND you know her name?!"

God, why does she have to be so dramatic. "Babe, it's n-"

I was cut off when Mandy expressed something. "Wait. You said her name was Arielle? Braces and glasses?!"

By brow shot up in confusion. "Yeah, why?"

Mandy smiled, her smile had a devilish content. Lauren also had the same exact one.

"Isn't that the girl you both hated last year?" Madeline smiled devilishly too. What the hell is up!?

"Yup." Mandy popped the p at the end of the word. "Let's go find her Lauren. Care to join Madeline?"

Madeline nodded quick and was out her seat.

I have a bad feeling that something is about to happen.

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