Chapter 7: Acknowledge (Part 1)

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Warning: S - Strong Course Language. o_o

I let out a breath as Madeline got off me, she went straight for the bathroom. Slowly, I got up and went the other bathroom downstairs near the dining room of her house. Madeline and I just had sex and she wore me out to the end. Her parents should be home in an hour, so I have to hurry up and leave. Of course they know about me but, I doubt they know I smashing their daughter.

"Chrisssssss! Hurry, my mom called me! She said she's coming in 15 minutes." Madeline yelled from the top of the stairs.

I hurried and tied the condom in a knot and flushed it down the toilet. As I washed my hands in rush, I almost knocked down Madeline while going up her twisty staircase. How is she fully clothed in sweatpants and a t-shirt so fast?

"Watch where you're going idiot! Quickly, get your shit!" she rolled her eyes and trailed down to her from door, looking out the side window.

Anyways, I went to her huge bedroom, that has a balcony view of the moon rising high. Wow, Madeline already made the bed. I seriously shouldn't be surprised by what she can do. I grabbed my red t-shirt and my khaki colored cargos and quickly shoved them onto my body. I ran down the stairs to the front door to get my sneakers.

"Madeline, back door?!"

"Yeah, go!"

She ran behind me, pushing me to her patio. Moving past her lawn chairs and huge pool, I move toward the white picket fence and hop over.

"Bye!" I heard Madeline yell as I walked through another neighbor's yard.

I crept pass their grill and pool, and went strolling down the street to my car, Audi r8. I turn on my phone, since I turned it off when Madeline and I was 'studying'. Which is a code word for screwing.

But, lately all we have been doing is having sex.

I know, you must be thinking that sex is all a guy wants in a relationship? No. Well at least not me. I just want an amazing woman to love. It sounds corny, but it's true. Madeline isn't all that amazing. She's changed since junior year. I don't know what but, she more...harsh. Madeline was so sweet and caring. Now? Rude, jealous and down right evil. This was not the girl I fell in love with. I'm now questioning who she is, I don't love her that much now. I'm just confused on what to do with this relationship.

I let a deep sigh I didn't know I was holding and got into my car. Checking my phone as I start the car, 5 missed calls from Angela. 3 missed calls from my mom. 2 text from Gabriel and Jason.

I decided to call Angela back. We are friends, but not as close as before Madeline and I went out. 3 rings later..

"Hello?" I heard Angela speak meekly.

"Hey, Ang. What did you call me for?" I ask putting my key inside of the ignition.

"Its about Arielle." She sniffed slightly. Was she crying? Angela never cries.

"What about her?" I was getting nervous.

"She's...She's in Eden Hospital." She choked on her words.

"You're kidding right?"

Angela scoffed. "Why would I lie about someone being in a hospital?! So damn stupid. Don't come." She hung up.

Okay, now I know she's not kidding.


I walked into the hospital, straight to the front desk.

"Where's Arielle Patel?"

The old woman, maybe 60-65, turned to me shuffling through binder; full of patient names.

"What is your relation to her?"

Uhhh... "Brother." I lied.

"Room 320. Take elevator to 3rd floor, Make right, last door on your left." Her nasal voice hurt my ears.

"Thank you."

I ran to the elevators that were behind her, and frustratingly waited a minute for the doors to open. Elevator going back and forth between 1-16. When the elevator opened, Angela pulled me inside.

"Where are you going?"

"I knew you weren't going to listen to me so, I was going to wait for you to come, but since you're here already, let's go." She said.

Angela skin looked pale against the jet black spacious elevator. Her eyes, nose and cheeks were reddened. and stained with tears.

"What happened to her?"

She slowly looked at me, her brown eyes stared at me with slight annoyance. "You have to see for yourself. Alex and I got here twenty minutes ago. Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"I, uhh was with Madeline." I started to become uncomfortable from her gaze.

"Fucking the brains out of the she-devil? I figured." She walked out of the elevator.

I followed behind her quickly. Her statement hit a nerve.

"What is your problem?"

She stopped walking and I bumped into her back. Angela turned to me and her face was scary. Her jaw clenched, her nose flared and her eyebrows deepened into a arch.

"Excuse me?"

"What is your problem? Ever since you contacted me, you've been nothing but rude." I was getting angry myself.

She laughed slightly and looked at me.

"My problem? First off, you didn't answer your phone. Then when you do, you say 'What you call me for?'. Well excuse the fuck out of me for telling you about Arielle being in a hospital. Asking me was I kidding? Who jokes about that type of shit?!?!" Oh and you really want to know why the hell I'm mad at you? You still fuck that bitch Madeline, when she, YOU and her evil cousins are the reason why Arielle attempted to commit suicide." She yelled.

I was shell shocked. Angela was right about it all. But, how did I make Arielle commit suicide? That enraged me even more.

Before I can reiterate, yards away behind Angela, Alex and some guy walked out of Arielle's room, staring at our argumentation.

"What do you mean I made Arielle killed herself?! She did that all on her own." I whispered as I crossed my arms.

"Are you fucking SERIOUS?!?! Somebody needs to fucking knock your insensitive smart ass ego down! When her family came into Arielle to find her bleeding to near death on her floor, her father found a piece of paper near her closet next to her. The paper was in your fucking name and your fucking handwriting, mainly stating that you knew that Madeline, Mandy and Lauren were going to do something to Arielle. You sat back and watched?! Your nothing but a narcissistic, inconsiderate coward, who does nothing but let your girlfriend walk all over you, and you let anything happen to please her." She smiled wicked.

I didn't know how to feel. I infuriated how she criticized me. I was sad that I almost caused Arielle's demise. Angela's right I am coward, not owning up to what I've done, that I didn't know my cause was going to have an effect on Arielle. Madeline is poison to me and everyone else but I don't want to believe it.

"Are just going to stand there like a damn idiot? Fucking say something!"

I didn't really know what to say.

"Oh, and let me tell you something here Christopher Reid. If you don't think a girl almost death will knock some sense into maybe this will." She punched me in the nose with such strong force for a girl, that immediately I bled.

"Oh and your girlfriend has been fucking your buddy Jason since junior year, everyone knew, except for your dumbass. That's why she so fucking evil, she doesn't love you. She only love your dick and the rest of the football team that she boned." Angela yelled into my ear as I was on the floor, clutching my nose.

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