Chapter 1: The Past...

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I remember the first time it happened. It was when I was twelve years old and we lived in Roxbury, MA in a two bedroom run down apartment. My mom and her then boyfriend Ray had broken up and she wanted to get away from him. So once again we moved. We didn't have much since we were poor and when you are born into nothing, you tend to pretty much have nothing for years to come. At least that's how I see it.

My mom worked at a bar to make ends meet and since I didn't have a dad around, well actually, my mom didn't know who my dad was so I didn't know who he was. From what I gathered, she had been drunk and high at a party and that was the night I was conceived...yeah, I know...great story to tell my future kids. That's if I have any.

Anyways, my mom worked at the bar downstairs which was convenient since I had to be left alone at night and at least she could pretend she could keep a watchful eye on me. I had been used to it so I wasn't worried until he was around.

It only took a week for her to meet Joaquin or the PERV which I preferred to call him. He seemed nice in the beginning. Treating my mom and I to dinner or take out when he was around. We would play board games and watch movies. He even took me to the park when it was warm and sunny then get me ice cream afterwards. It was nice to have another Father figure around since Ray had been gone, so I was happy. 

It started subtle with the compliments. "You are a very pretty girl Isabel, you are going to be a knock out when you hit puberty." "I can tell you are going to have an amazing body when you get older..." or my favorite one he would say "If only I was your age..." then give me this creepy smirk after, like he would be thinking of what he could do to me.

I didn't think much of it since I was only twelve years old and all I ever heard growing up was that I was going to be a looker like my mom. I had seen how many men have lusted after her, doing stupid things to get her attention. She wasn't too picky since there wasn't much to pick from. Growing up in the mean streets of Jamaica Plains she had been used to addicts, drug dealers and gang members. So to occupy her time and loneliness she would alternate men. So needless to say when Joaquin would compliment me, I didn't find anything wrong with it...all her other boyfriends had.

Joaquin and my mom had been together for two months when he first touched me inappropriately. My mom was taking a shower to get ready for work and Joaquin and I were in the living room. We were playing around and he began to tickle me. I couldn't help but laugh since I was very ticklish so I had fallen on the sofa while he was on top of me. In the midst of my laughter he grabbed my boob and squeezed it which made me stop laughing and get up fast. I stared at him knowing that what he had done hadn't been right...he was an adult and I was a child.

"Sorry about was an accident." he had said and went back to watching t.v. I didn't say anything since my mom had walked in. I didn't tell my mom either since maybe it could had been an accident not meaning to grab my boob so I let it go until it continued to happen every week.

Joaquin had told me that he wanted to show and prepare me to be a woman so I knew how to satisfy any boyfriends I may have. Since he was experienced he felt like it was his duty as my step dad to show me. As disgusting as it was I didn't tell my mom. Don't get me wrong I was going too...I threatened him that I would and he of course being Lucifer himself threatened to kill my mom while I watched and then rape me before he killed me. So I like a scared little idiot that I was kept quiet...for a year.

My mom came to her senses and dumped the bastard after that. He had shown his true colors and she couldn't take him anymore so we moved...again.

Now at the age of thirteen we were living in Mattapan section of Boston which was as bad as Roxbury but the rent was cheap enough. Again my mom found a new job and you guessed it...another man to make her feel better about the life she's living. Now, if I thought Joaquin was bad...then I should have just runaway sooner or even killed myself when I had the chance too.

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