Chapter 14:...something for nothing

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I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were a bit puffy and red from the crying that I had done earlier and from the nightmare I have had. The recurring dreams I've had for the past six years. Joaquin and Julio molesting and abusing me like they used to.

I really had pushed those bad memories aside for the past few years until now. The attack I just went through a few nights ago and the admission that Aiden so bluntly revealed must of triggered them. Why would he say that?

Why would they want a tainted, dirty whore? A whore that was used and made to do things that no young girl should be forced to do to two grown men. Days and nights they would force me to touch them and give them blow jobs while they groped me. I can sometimes feel their disgusting hands scarring every inch of my body. Their fingers penetrating my virgin folds as they tried to make me orgasm each time. The shame I felt and still feel for actually having my body betray me. How they thought they actually were giving a twelve thru fourteen year old pleasure instead of realizing how the anatomy really worked.

Pathetic excuse for men. How they had to use force and threats to get me to submit. How I put up with it for those years and not tell my mom so I would spare her illusion of her perfect boyfriends. Not that she would have believed me anyway. She herself was dealing with her own demons...

Snapping out of the thoughts of them, I turn on the faucet and splash water on my face. I then brush my teeth and dry my face to make sure it's dry. Gazing at my image one more time I turn around to head back into the room hoping Aiden wasn't still there.

The room was dim and as I look around, empty. Making my way back to the bed I lay down and stare at the ceiling. I'm not sleepy though I am exhausted. Thinking about everything that has happened this past week and years, made me realize a few things. I'm not going to let any more men dictate my feelings or control my emotions anymore.


Walking down the steps I hear voices in the distance. It sounds like their coming from the kitchen so I take a deep breath and head that way.

"Do you think she'll be receptive to us? Give us a chance?"

"I don't know Bray. The way she sounded last night when I told her we found her intriguing...she doesn't believe that she is worth our interest or time. It pissed me off to hear her call herself names... dirty and worthless. That's what she thinks of herself."

Hearing them say that, I made my presence known. "If you don't like hearing me say all of that, then why not just let me be and move on with another female that would want to be taken care off by the two of you?"

Startled by my voice, the twins turn around and face me. Both had their eyebrows furrowed with the same look of confusion. It amazes me how they are so identical yet act completely different.

"Hello beautiful. How did you sleep?" Brayden asked taking a few steps towards me but I took two back.

Noticing his frown, I opened my mouth to speak but of course Aiden had to talk. "What did you mean... let you be and move on?"

Giving him an exasperated sigh, I turned my head his way. "I'm sure a man of your intelligence understands the meaning of what I said." shrugging at him.

Aiden squinted at me then clenched his jaw. I noticed he likes doing that a lot when he looks at me. "... and I know that you are a smart ass and will try everything to piss me off." countering back.

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