Chapter 2: Add it to my list...

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Bang Bang Bang...

The loud banging on the door woke me up from my somewhat deep sleep. I came home late or early this morning after my waitress shift at the diner around the corner from the motel. Working three jobs is tiring but that's what I have to do to survive. Getting here around two in the morning I just wanted to go straight to sleep since I had to work my other two jobs later in the day. Sleep had been on my mind but was short lived when Candy from next door had a client over. You guessed it, she's a prostitute. She had to make a living somehow.

After hearing screams and squeals coming from her client for a good two hours, I was finally able to fall asleep by 4:30 am. I'm not much of a morning person, especially when I'm overly tired. I could be a total bitch, okay, I am one if you awake me without cause early in the morning. So someone must have a death wish if they are banging at the door at --hold up, let me check -- 7:30 in the freaking morning! Oh yeah, someone's dying today.

Rolling over the mattress I slowly make it to the door. Unlocking the locks I open it to find, no one. "What the --?" I mutter. Who had the nerve to bang on my door waking me up and then not stick around for me to cuss them out?

"Ugh!" I grunted but before I could slam the door I notice a white piece of paper taped to it. Ripping it off I read.

                                        MASSACHUSETTS EVICTION & CONDEMNED NOTICE

Dear Tenant(s):

As of February 14th, 2015 you must vacate premises under the Massachusetts Board of Health laws. Premises have been found unsafe and unfit to reside in. If you need help financially for moving expenses, you must contact the offices as soon as possible. 

I stopped reading after that. ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME? Slamming the door I throw the letter on the bed and head to the bathroom where I dry heave for a few minutes. It happens when I'm stressed out and I am now. I started doing that after Joaquin started molesting me so now it's just habit.

I sat on the floor for a while. What am I going to do now?

Standing up I decide to take a shower to scrub off my dilemma and by that I mean my life!

I wonder if I kill myself here in the bathtub if anyone would bother to look for me? Maybe my body will be buried under the pile of rubble. At least I wouldn't have to pay for my burial.


After having suicidal thoughts for a good half hour I decided to head over to City Hall to get info on my eviction. Hopefully I could get enough money to find a place for a while.

2 Hours later...

After spending most of my sleep time in City Hall I was able to take care of this eviction. From what they could tell me, the owner never showed up to court after the Code Enforcement office served him papers to fix the place or be fined and have the building condemned. Guess which one he chose?

Now because of his irresponsibility myself and others are out of a home. Let's add homeless to my list of disappointments in my life. What a way to begin my 21 years of life which won't be until next month but still, it doesn't seem promising.

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