Chapter 16: Sneaking out...

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*If you guys like Steamy sexy stories, check out the @WPAfterDark Profile which is currently having a Writing Contest this Month. Like Military Service Men/Women? Then give your writing Skills a try for the Contest.*

Quietly heading down the stairs I make my way to the kitchen. Looking behind me a few times to make sure the twins don't hear me.

The small range light that was on guided me so I wouldn't bump into anything. Reaching the kitchen island I place the letter that I had written for them. I know they will see it once they come down to the kitchen. 

Looking around once more I head over to the side door that leads to the car garage. Holding my breath, I open it, making sure it doesn't make any noise. Letting out a breath I go through it and close it behind me.

Turning on the small flashlight that I had found inside one of the kitchen drawers I walk over to the wall that has the alarm pad. Punching in the code which I had memorized when Aiden had put it in last time, I wait for it to turn off then unlock the side door. If I would have opened the whole garage door, it would have made too much noise waking up the twins.

The cold wind hit me automatically causing me to bring the zipper of my jacket all the way up to keep me shielded from the winter morning. Pulling down the hat to cover my ears and adjusting my purse, I hurriedly walk down the driveway so I can meet the taxi that was waiting for me.

Once again I make sure I am quiet when opening the gate to the house. Glancing up to the windows to make sure they haven't woken up, I close it and rush to the corner of their block. Glad that I wasn't carrying a suitcase to slow me down, I see the taxi stop at the corner.

"Thank God you got here." opening the back door and sitting down.

"Seems like you are in a hurry?" he turned to ask.

"Yes, can you take me to 1007 Massachusetts Avenue in Mattpan?" rushing my words.

He looked confused. "Are you sure a girl like you wants to go to that part of town?"

"Yes I do." nodding my head. I needed to be there as fast as possible.

Squinting his eyes at me he sighed. "Alright sweetheart. If you are brave enough." putting the car on drive.

"Thank you." sitting back on the worn out seat I close my eyes and sigh in relief. 

"Miss, we're here." blinking my eyes and open them I hear the cab driver.

Looking out the window I see the building that I called home though it will be torn down in the next week or so. "How much?"

"Forty even." turning around.

Pulling out my wallet from my purse, I pull out two brand new twenty dollar bills that I had borrowed from Aiden. Another thing I know will piss him off.

"Here you go." handing it to him with a five dollar bill for a tip.

"No problem sweetheart. Are you sure you want to be here? I mean, I did pick you up from a rich neighborhood." questioning me again.

"I'm sure. I was just visiting." opening the door so I could get out. "Thank you and have a good day." closing the door as I stepped unto the sidewalk.

"You too and be careful." driving off.

Turning around I look around to make sure there wasn't anyone around. It was already five in the morning but in this side of town, you see shady people hanging around the streets.

In my apartment, I pack the rest of my belongings into a small suitcase that I had bought at a Salvation Army a while back. I needed to make sure I had everything before leaving this place for good. The proposition that Aiden and Brayden had given me was ideal, but I couldn't take it. I've never had to depend on anyone, including my own mother so for them to want to take care of me was a foreign concept. They said they didn't want anything in return, but from experience, I would have to pay them back somehow.

Going around the small space to double check I had packed everything, I pick up my things and make my way out of the home I have known for the past five years. The place I had found refuge in after running away from the devil and now it seems like I have to run again from two handsome devilish men.

I know if it were someone else in my situation, they would have jumped at it and not even think twice about moving in with two strangers... and that's what they were to me, strangers. Yes they saved me from my attacker and I am very grateful for them being there, bringing me back to their home and taking care of me. It was nice of them but when Aiden demanded that I stayed with them, that's when I knew I couldn't be there. Not with his control issues and the way he spoke to me.

After leaving my mom's place I swore that I wouldn't let any person, especially a man control or demand things from me. My choices were taken away from me the minute my mom's boyfriend decided to touch me inappropriately. I didn't want to take the risk in Aiden turning out to be... my warden.

Checking the time, I leave the apartment so I can drop off the keys to the main office. One of the managers is usually there asleep on his chair.

The bell on the door chimes once I open it. Just like I thought, Chad the manager was asleep on the chair. "Chad." calling his name out.

Snapping his head up he looks from side to side startled. "I'm up. I'm up."

His eyes fall on me. "Isabel are you alright?" asking concerned. He was in his mid forties and was always nice to me.

"I am. Just wanted to give you the keys to the apartment." setting the keys down on the counter.

"Thanks. Why are you here so early anyway? Just getting back from work? I haven't seen you in a few days." he says standing up.

"I-I was away for a few days and I just wanted to start my day early."

"I get ya. So you have a new place I take it?"

"I do. Well Chad, it was nice knowing you. Take care of yourself." taking a step back.

"You too Isabel. Be careful and take care." smiling.

Waving bye, I open the door and leave. It was still early and cold. None of the buses were running so I couldn't get a ride to my new place which is across town. I needed to get out of this area before the twins realize that I had snuck out of their house. Because I know this will be the first place they will be checking.


Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well. I know it's been a while since I've updated and I apologize. I celebrated a milestone Birthday in March and just celebrated two of my son's Birthdays last week. My life has been busy.

Anyways, Isabel ran away from the twins. Did she do the right thing? How long will it take the twins to find her?

Check out my new Stories if interested: "His Angel in Darkness", "Taking Back What Is His" and "Winning His Heart".

Have a great rest of the week and I will try to update soon.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting.

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