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ARIES: They are good -natured people, but a bit too prudent. They are always harping on career and security, which I don't like. I am an 'outdoor' person perhaps rather brush, whereas I find them a bit sloppy. We don't get along.

TAURUS: I admire their realistic approach to life, their practical ideas. They are homely and sincere. Our tastes, likes and dislikes are identical.

GEMINI: Their hyper-critical nature scares me. They are so fastidious and difficult. I wonder how people find them jovial and friendly. I don't feel at ease in their company.
CANCER: They make loyal, steadfast friends. Quite sympathetic and understanding. They plan their future well. I appreciate their sincerity.

LEO: Too prosaic and dull. I find their conversation inane and their company tiresome. They are more impressed by the material possessions of an individual than by his qualities of character.

VIRGO: No wonder they have few friends - they are perennial fault-finders. They waste their time in meaningless entertainment and futile social functions. In spite of all this, we do get on well.

LIBRA: They are docile and home loving; nice, sincere types. But we are poles apart as far as love is concerned. They aren't artistic either; too careless and mundane. No, we don't suit each other.

SCORPIO: Good friends. I like their sense of humour. In this dull, dreary life it is good to know persons like them. And they are thoughtful partners, skilled in the art of love.

SAGITTARIUS: They are good as family friends. But in personal relationships, I find it difficult to establish any rapport with them. In money matters they are stingy, although they claim to be charitably disposed!

CAPRICORN: I find them inspiring and encouraging, devoted in love. Their realistic approach towards sex makes a relationship easy and pleasant. I love them.

AQUARIUS: Their realism is a bit too commonplace; they never bother to appreciate the finer things in life. Their rather physical approach to love baffles me. There is no meeting ground between us.

PISCES: They are faithful and dependable in friendship. Sincere in love, they make compatible partners. They love domestic life and children. I would be only too glad to marry a Virgoan.

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