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Eating yourself Sick
This always happens to me !!
You can invite much intestinal trouble from tension, since Virgo governs intestines. Though you are normally a temperate person and lead a balanced life, you occasionally over-indulge yourself and thereby suffer the consequences. You generally never fall sick, but whenever you do it is invariably due to over-eating.

You are prone to suffer from dysentery, typhoid, and gallstone. Your weak points are your nervous system and stomach.
You over react to situations, which could cause hypertension.
Try to stay clam and collected. Those who have Virgo afflicted in their birth chart are short-tempered, irritable and discontented. Those Virgoans given to emotional troubles are generally overweight and fat.
You need to control your mind as much as you need to control your diet. It is a bit surprising though to see a Virgo born suffer from weight problems. Because you are unusually health and diet conscious, you are rarely fat. You need plenty of rest in quite surroundings. You must have a lot of exercise more so if you are living in an urban environment. Be particular about taking holidays. You have a tendency to get so involved with your work that you seldom find time to take leave.

Women born under this sign generally lead a very active life, but only until they are 40. Thereafter they like to settle down to household activities. With the result they tend to put on weight. Virgoans even when suffering from minor illness likes to exaggerate their troubles. You are prone to minor injuries. Any complaint in the abdomen should be attended to immediately. You can easily develop colitis. Don't overdo your concern for food. Too much protein and calcium can have adverse effects on your health. You normally like to devote ample time to your morning constitutional.

Have a good breakfast. Don't eat fried stuff in the morning. Have a light lunch; abstain from nibbling in between meals. A protein rich dinner will suit

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