Virgo amd Scorpio

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Virgo is a talkative sign, ruled by Mercury the planet of communication, but they hold on to a much more quiet and intellectual side of Mercury than we might anticipate. Scorpio represents a deep silence of the flow of a river, and they will both have a strong urge to jump into the depths of silence together. Their intellectual contact is stimulating, often strongly influencing their sex life and their truly deep emotions. It is almost as if they wouldn't be able to form a relationship without this ability for non-verbal communication that makes them perfect for each other.

Both of these signs are prepared to go all the way - Virgo in their intellectual depth and Scorpio in everything in life. This will inspire both of them to search for all sorts of answers together, analyzing each other's psyche and determining the source of their problems with the world, or with each other. Through carefully chosen words, they can help each other heal or regenerate from difficult or even devastating experiences. It is a good thing for both of these signs to have each other in the time of need.

Both of these partners will value depth, intellectual most of all. There is nothing in the world that is as exciting as conversations that are so intense and so challenging for their minds. Most of the time they will agree on things they value most, although they might stumble upon a huge problem when they get to the point of throwing out the trash. Even though Scorpio doesn't normally accumulate things, and loves throwing them away, those they hold on to can be quite disgusting to a Virgo. Just imagine as their first child is born and Scorpio wants to frame that dried out residue of an umbilical cord. Do you think Virgo would want to wake up to this in their apartment every morning?
That changeable nature of Virgo will be settled down by the fixed quality of their Scorpio partner, who will keep their relationship exciting for a very long time. In general, there is a problem that these partners share when it comes to Venus, and their relationship is often a reflection of these troubles. This can lead to all sorts of emotional blackmail, their tendency to control each other's lives, and if not this, than constant criticism that makes them both feel guilty or simply sad. The best thing they can do is decide that they will value each other and be thankful for each other in this relationship. If they develop a strong sense of gratitude, their relationship might be extremely deep, exciting and truly appreciated by both partners.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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