Bad Habits

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Here's what viragos think of themselves

We are self critical but the thing is, were not ashamed or afraid to point out our negative sides.
We are very picky and fussy, and yes we are prone to OCD with cleanliness and neatness
We can be very controlling with everything, we tend to go crazy if something is out of our control
We are picky about everything, and we fret about the littlest things. Its hard for us to be chill and relax when we are tense about things
Its difficult for us to trust and have faith, and in relationships we can be very demanding and fussy because we want to make sure we have the perfect guy.

We tend to be very critical of ourselves & others. We are neat freaks, we don't like to get to crazy, and we mother people to much.We also have a lot of good qualities don't forget!

- overly critical and sometimes hypocritical
- arrogant attitudes; cannot "lower a level" to get along or compromise w. someone
- expect perfection in everything and everyone
- when you just need someone to listen, they tend to think "higher" and give out advice as if they know completely
Stronger than yesterday ·

they are critical
tend to be controlling (even though they're intentions are good, the see that what they telling you to do will help or benefit you so they try to make you do it even if its not what you want to do.)
neat/tidy freaks- linked to controlling?

WE KNOW IT BUT WE ALWAYS DENY IT 😂😂😂 but maybe we're not controlling !!

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