Aries: eating frozen peas out of the bag and watching hentai
Taurus: either sleeping or having an existential crisis
Gemini: listening to music and talking to their internet friends
Cancer: daydreaming about their crush
Leo: getting into a very heated social justice debate on
Virgo: taking selfies
Libra: trying out sweet potato recipes they found while browsing pinterest
Scorpio: deliberating whether or not to send their crush a new meme they found (spoiler: they sent it)
Sagittarius: making sock puppets and pretending they have friends
Capricorn: over-analyzing every single mistake they've ever made and knitting a sweater for their dog
Aquarius: probably reading or browsing tumblr
Pisces: practicing kissing on the back of their hand
Zodiac Scenarios
Randomthis is a fun random book about the zodiac signs. It has scenarios, pictures, squads and much more! hope you like it!