.The Division.

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The year 2021 was long ago, or so it seemed when the world was controlled under one dictatorship-or rather the Archministry, a militant medical group headed by Mr. Adler. A former vice cardinal- or whatever he was in this century. During calm rainy night one of the government labs made a costly mistake while testing serums; this mistake resulted in the creation of a virus on a Classified hybrid species. This species called themselves Chiropterans. Those who saw them often thought of them as a modem day werewolf, able to shift into human form. Although the government would deny it, a part of them was, in fact, human.

For years, or centuries rather, the captured enemies' deaths were put off. They could have saved themselves by simply giving the right answers But they always refused; in response they were tested and tortured but only the weak broke. Select people like them had abilities. However, theirs were greater, and because of that the government resented and wanted them dead.

The resentment built even more when a scientist, Dr. Eli Edwards made a mistake that would cost him either his life or his freedom, whichever came first. In this lifetime all Chiropterans that could pass on this virus had escaped. They began seeking refuge all around the world, taking control of corporations overtime, blending in. Biding time.

Finally The Dreaded day had come and War was declared on mankind, mostly on those who sought them harm, For a short time it was fought in the shadows fearing the nation would panic. And it did, when it was made known that this virus could be spread.

For a while the government tried to keep it under wraps in the simple hope of ending the war or finding a cure. If any could be found yet, it still was far from anyone's reach.

Only a small percent of people truly knew or paid attention to the century's old war being fought and covered up in present day, which was the government's other area of top concern. The majority of the rest of the world was simply filled with skeptics, nonbelievers.. you know the type. even when the government willingly came forward. Mainly it did so knowing it would be perceived as nothing but an ill faded joke.

they still revealed some knowledge of the war and the virus, along with precautions to take-like wearing masks and gloves in public for those who believed this virus could be airborne. Which it was more lies. That everyone believed.

For a while, it seemed to be under control-or so everyone was led to believe.

When a press conference was held, the Vice Cardinal simply smiled, laughed through his teeth, then said this war many feared for decades had ended. And it seemed to fade into memory for most people. Lucky for me I'm not most people. And I planned to stay that way.

That statement caused an uproar in the underworlds because in reality, it hadn't. The world was lied to. Battle lines were secretly drawn and sides were taken, though it was hard to say who was on what side. Who the moles were?

The Lycans, as we'd come to call them, posed more of a threat than anyone saw coming. All anyone knew about them was that they controlled corporations mainly in the U.S. However the high ranking Lycans' scattered around the world forming their covens so to speak, a main gathering point was a heavily guarded Hungarian fortress; the government wanted and failed to get inside, many attacks were launched but failed. Time and options were running out; the two sides came up with demands but no treaty was ever recorded. Which was probably for the best.

At this point the Lycans would stop at nothing to get their revenge that some would say was rightfully theirs, while others had no comment. The government decided to create a program, Division. It was the only hope of bringing peace back to the world. The Division was meant to create-or rather train people to acquire similar talents.

The most elite ranks were the Watchers, the Death Dealers or shadow hunters. They had talents and skill levels many envied and would, if given the chance, take them away. How? That's better left unsaid. I'm sure the rumors wouldn't do it justice.

They were only called to action in dire situations. If the government didn't consider this dire, then I didn't know what was. No options, ideas, or even mindless blabbering were ever left unheard. All measures were viewed in hopes of finding a common ground. Facilities were set up in the U.S. mostly, but there were a few in certain areas over seas with whereabouts unknown for safety reasons. For ours or the threats against us? I didn't know.

There was one place in particular that was built not long after the war first began. It wasn't a weapon's factory, or a training facility, but rather a school, centuries old, called St. Alliston's. It was established to not only train but teach and hide us. Inside its walls, the world seemed far away, far from... Well, the threats. Sure, a ton of schools like it were set up across the states and overseas, but this one was the best of the best. Everyone wanted admission. I've seen the waiting list. Most of names have been on the list since birth. To get accepted, you either had to be from a centuries old founding family or extremely wealthy-or something like that. I guess I never really paid attention to that part. Since my acceptance was sure thing, its the easiest thing about having your life planned out to the letter. You don't get a choice.

When the Watchers, were introduced into combat, immediate progress was seen and continued for short time-for the first time in what felt like years the enemy was driven back into hiding. Yet, no matter how good our plans were, the Lycans would come back with stronger and swifter attacks.

However, these attacks came in ways the general public wouldn't be concerned with. The main focus for intelligent people was the high-tech, government-owned places with more security than the White House at this point. Those places were robbed more than any others. How? That's what everyone would like to know. Some say by the enemy, while others say by the clients who traded with them. Traded what? Weapons, Money, Companies and even people. We still didn't know what the end game was and That's the biggest mystery of them all and the answer is something to kill for... And I have. You get use to it.

 Yes, like almost everyone that's involved with the government, I've killed for my freedom and my safety, but mostly because I was following orders with no questions asked. I was to track them down and kill them off one by one. Sounds simple enough, right? Yeah, I thought so, too. Anyway, I shouldn't get ahead of myself here. in order to understand I need to go back.. Back to that school.. St. Allistons that once was home.. Back to those memories I kept locked away.. To the people and Friends I trusted yet betrayed me in the end.. And Most importantly.. Back To Division.. where everything went wrong..

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