The Division-- Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.    

Bram was off the mission and refused to tell me why. we spent hours arguing about it which only made the tension grow between us " Christ- can't you just let this go! We've all been thrown off a mission once in a while? Why do you have make this a huge deal."  Bram shouted at me, slamming his laptop shut. I rolled my eyes a little and stared him down.

       I leaned against his desk in the corner of his room, trying to read his body language, he stared at me like I was the enemy instead of his sort of Girlfriend or EX Girlfriend now. To some length it hurt to say it.  "No Bram. I can't let this go. There's to many things in the past, I have let go of because it was more convenient." I said calmly. Pulling out the desk chair and sitting in it, he gave a questionable look of concern. "Like Giving up on us? Without hearing my side of the story or an explanation even." He said sternly, Shifting anxiously around on his bed. "Oh? Why must we constantly bring up ancient history. It only hurts us." I thought, gazing at him briefly. He sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair a few times. 

      The words Stung me, like alcohol being plashed on an open wound, Was I really the one that gave up on us? "no of course not. hes just playing mind more games." i thought, There must have been an odd look on face, Because Bram suddenly relaxed completely, his eyes softened. an amused look played across his face.   "Do you ever wish- That we could take back a mistake?" He asked, collecting his keys, cellphone and wallet from the bedside table, shoving them into his pockets.

   Helplessly I sat there watching him. Unsure of what to say, "Oh, that's right. I forgot you never make mistakes, Do you?" He muttered to himself. Taking one last look at me before storming off. Slamming the door behind him, Leaving to go find Sabine no doubt. " yep go on run to her like always." I thought, I stayed in His room for another hour, to see if he would come back. He Didnt.

I could have easily gone through his entire room without him even knowing, Instead i returned to my room, sat on the bed, turned on my own laptop. There were a few unread E-Mails, None from My Parents. Laying back on the bed, I closed my eyes tightly trying not to let what Bram said get to me, I had twinge of guilt, That maybe Bram was right about everything.  

    "But he gave up on us too, it wasn't just me. He's the one that constantly lied to my face over and over again. I guess after awhile lying wasn't enough and we both gave up." I thought. As I locked my room door, stalked off into the bathroom, partly closing the door behind me, I turned on shower, taking off my Blue Jeans and Grey T-Shirt. I stood there in my neon pink panties and matching bra staring at myself in the mirror waiting a few minutes, letting the bathroom steam up.  

      When the mirror fogged up, I stripped off my bra and panties tossing them to floor among the rest of my scattered clothes.   I pulled back the shower curtain and got in, letting the hot water pour over me. It was soothing. Grabbing the shaving cream and Venus razor from off its shelf, I cautiously shaved my legs first, underarms next and lastly my bikini area. I put the razor back in its place, knocking the shampoo bottle off the shelf in the process, "Ahh for Christ sake, you have got to fucking kidding me." I said out loud, reaching down and blindly searching for the shampoo bottle.  

Grasping the bottle of shampoo tightly, squeezing some in my hand I washed my hair, There was a rapid banging on my bedroom door. I sighed, quickly rinsing out the Shampoo, some trickled down my face and got into my eyes stinging them. Right when I reached down to turn off the shower, The Banging stopped. I sighed angrily standing under the shower head, for a few minutes letting scalding hot water stream down over my body, turning off the shower I stood still for a moment, realizing how steamy the bathroom it was almost like sauna.

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