Xander's POV

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"You want my opinion of the new girl?", I stated to my friends at lunch, " She is completely boring, I don't think you want to waste your time with her." Everyone had been asking about her since she was new and all, it only made sense. I personally was intrigued by Vere, she was different and quiet. Those are the best people to get to know. 

"Nah dude, did you even see her? She's a work of art." , said Dylan. Yes I saw her, I thought, her locker is right next to mine. I didn't need them stealing my potential friend. I was going to get to known her, without their help. 

"Yea man , she is pretty hot. I liked that little dress she had on today, I might go talk to her later. If ya know what I mean" Mikey said with a wink, he uses girls in a nasty way , he can't go talk to her. They talk about her a little more before I abruptly change the topic to the school's nasty lunch of the day. Things were going great for a good 20 minutes until the best and worst thing happened, Vere walked across the lunch room.  My table became quiet as she passed and couldn't take their eyes off of her. She was talking about something science-y with the girl who is on the other side of her locker, I don't remember her name and honestly, it didn't matter.  Low whistles from my friends broke my concentration off of Vere.

"Are you sure she is not worth meeting, X?" , asked Jared. I nodded with the most repulsive look I could give. 

"Well if you aren't going after her Xander, I am", said Mikey. I thought he was joking , like the rest of the table, but he wasn't. He  got up and sauntered over to Vere and that girl and got Vere alone. We watched to see how far he'd get. 

" Hey , I'm Mikey.", he said with a smile and stuck out his hand for her to shake. She looked up at him and she hesitantly smiled back. 

"I'm Vere, I'm new here." She looked at his hand and then shook it. She looked scared now. 

"I noticed there was a new girl , say, you look really cute" She blushed hard, I didn't know someone could look that pretty while blushing. 

"Why thank you. I like you shirt." She lightly poked his upper shoulder and giggled. Why does Mikey get all the girls? He smiled and took  advantage of this cute moment. He reached for her arm and tugged on her hand a bit. 

" So since you're new in town, mind if I show you around tonight?" He beamed a smile again and crossed his arms with ease. She thought for a moment. In my head I was begging her to say no and just leave him but she didn't 

" Sure, I would love to walk around with you." My heart was crushed, why why why! I don't even know enough about this girl and I am attached. 

"Sounds great Vere. Can I come by around six?" She nodded her head yes and they continued to talk for awhile more. When they finally departed and he came back, he was more than excited to talk about her.

" I got her number", He said with pride. He continued on about how he had gotten a date with the new girl. I zoned out of the conversation rather quickly and focused on a person across the lunch room, Vere. I just couldn't seem to shake her from my mind. She truly is one in a million, a star among a dark sky, too bad she doesn't like me. 

"Man,  I hope she wears that little dress she's wearing right now. If she is, this evening will be fun." Mikey said with a smirk. After that instant, I suddenly wanted to beat the snot out of Mikey. The day continued on and suddenly it was the end of the school day. As I walked to my locker, I found Mikey there also at my locker. I tried my best to ignore them but I couldn't help but listen. They were just talking about tonight and their "date", whatever. When they finally parted, Mikey stayed behind a bit, of course to stare at her butt. 

" Man Xander, how did you let her go?" At that moment in time, I slammed him against  the lockers and yelled in his face.

" You hurt her , I swear to God, I will mess you up. You cannot hurt her in any shape or form and if I hear about it or you use her, I will end your life." His eyes became wide with shock.

"I never knew you cared so much about her Xander, this will make it that much more fun." And from that point on, Mikey and I were enemies. He walked away and looked back at me before he was out of sight.

"She isn't going to fall for you, you know that right?" Then he walked out.

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