The Date

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I got through school the rest of the day happily, for I took the advice of experiencing high school the way you're supposed to. Everyone wants you to be active and social but not do anything, which doesn't make sense. At the end of the day, I passed onto my locker and found Mikey already there, I didn't know he knew where my locker was. Xander was there as well and I had hoped to talk to him about ... well... Mikey. I needed to know more about this kid before I signed my life away for good. I decided to get my information from Mikey about tonight, Xander could wait for now. 

"Hey pretty thing", Mikey greeted me," You ready for tonight?" I nodded and laughed, he sounds like a fun person to be around, just not one you exactly want to commit to. 

" Yea, totally. So six right?" He nodded his head and smiled proudly.  Xander made a grunt behind him, what was his problem? Boys are so confusing.  

" Where ya live sweet pea?", he asked me again in the nicest voice possible. I told him and the whole time Xander was making loud noises indicating he didn't want to hear this conversation. Sighing, I turned away from my locker after I had gotten my binders and books. I shut the locker with a swoosh and then faced Mikey. 

" See ya later, Mikey!" I said in my cheeriest voice possible. He grinned and bidden me a a farewell as well. I spun with a smile towards the door and walked out but I thought I could hear a argument in the background, it must have been my imagination. 

Six o'clock couldn't come soon enough, I was excited for my date with Mikey. I had told my mother I would be out late tonight and she was more than thrilled I was getting out and about with kids my own age. I decided to go with a teal v-neck and some silver shorts. To top off the look , I wore black sandals, jewelry and a black bandanna with my hair in a messy bun. I must say, I was pretty cute. I danced around my room to different music and read a book in order to pass the time. Finally, it was six o'clock, my door should be ringing any minute now. 

Then ten minutes go by....

Then twenty minutes go by.....

Then an hour goes by......

No Mikey. 

Finally, after two hours my door bell rings. Princess goes nuts and rushed towards the door, I merely fix my hair and saunter to the door. When I open the door , someone else was standing there and not Mikey. It was Xander.

"Hey Vere, I know I  wasn't who you were expecting but Mikey told me to drop this note out to you." He gingerly hands me the note and I take it quickly. It says : 


Sorry I couldn't make it tonight, I had a family thing.


PS: you looked real cute in that dress today ;)

I crumpled the note and tossed it in the trash, how could he! He has a family thing, I told myself, he didn't blow you off. Then I heard footsteps quickly approaching the hall I was standing in. It was my mother. 

" Awe G is this the boy you were talking about? Goodness he's so cute , G what a catch I hope ya keep him!" She smiled and sticks out her hand for him to shake it. " My name is Sarah , I'm Guinevere's mom." She beams and I abruptly cut her off at the mention of my name. My cheeks are burning and my ears are steaming. I told her not to use my name. 

" Vere , excuse me, Guinevere never told me her full name Miss Sarah." 

"Oh please honey, just call me Sarah" My mother loves this kid and I don't know why. 

" Oh Miss, please let me do the respect. I was just about to take Guinevere out around the town" He beamed a movie star smile my way and reached out for my hand. My mother cooed and awed over him again. 

" Miss if you don't mind, I would like to walk around with Guinevere before it gets dark."

"Oh of course dear, go along you two have fun!" She waved and smiled. i have honestly have never seen my mother than happy. Once the door shuts he drops my hand and blushes hard. 

"Sorry Vere, I didn't know what else to do. You can go home if you want." He looked so sad and hurt that I would leave so I decided to stay. We walked down my street in silence for a bit until he ask me,

"So, your name is Guinevere? That's better than Vere my dear" He smiles and laughs again at his own clever rhyme. I can't help but giggle either and blush. 

" Finally" , he says , " There it is again."  I was confused on what he was talking about and I clearly looked perplexed because he then explained to me what he was talking about. 

" You blushing, it's beyond cute and I wanted to make you blush myself" With this comment, I blush harder and he smiles more. We walk another few feet in silence and this time, it's my turn to break the ice.

" Thank you for coming tonight" I simply stated, " I didn't want to stay home and sulk." He doubles over in laughter with this comment. Embarrassment quickly takes over my body like a forest fire, why is that funny? I shut down like a power plant and turn into my stone cold self again. 

" Awe Verie, I was just imagining you sulking, nothing more. Don't take offense to it." He lightly picked up my arm and rubbed my hand. His large hand was soft and warm like a pool. I was immediate comfort and provided instant relief. He senses my calmness and takes the moment to wrap me up in his arms. My face presses against his sweatshirt and it smells of honey and pine. It's soft and warm just like his hands, it's like being wrapped in a living blanket. He is my rock at this point and I accept him into my embrace as well. He's perfect.  His hands run up my back and go to brush my hair down. I usually hate people playing with my hair but this didn't seem to bother me. All of a sudden, he pushes me away fiercely. Shock surfaces and so does tears, I don't know why he did that.

"Verie, I'm sorry. I know you don't like me and I'm sorry." He looks equally hurt and I want to wrap him in my arms again. 

" No ... Xander it's okay" I went to reach for his arm but he pulls away. 

"Verie, I know you don't like me. Please don't hurt me. You're with Mikey, remember?" He becomes more and more depressed as he continues with his sentence. It's killing me. 

" Xander, please, you're not thinking"

"Vere, neither are you!", he lashed out like a whip. This equally stung as I knew and he knew that he was somewhat partially correct. 

" Xander please stay the rest of the walk." He fiercely shook his head no and stormed away. Tears brimmed at my eyes and I turned quickly on my heels and ran home. Stupid Vere, I thought, you know not to trust boys. 

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