The Bad Boys Story

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"Come Here you little Shit!" My stepdad screamed at my closed and locked bedroom door. I could tell he was drunk and wouldn't think twice about hurting me. I whimpered remembering what he did to me just the night before. I slowly lifted up my shirt and looked down at my black and blue stomach.

"Kayden you open up  this damn door right now or I will kick it down." He screamed on the other side. I ran as fast as my 6 year old feet could take me to my closet door and shut it. I heard him beating on the door like his life depended on it and then there was a loud crash. I whimpered slightly and held my breath praying that he wouldn't find me.

Loud footsteps stumbled towards the closet and I squished even more towards the wall and gripped my knees to my chest. The closet door flung open and I cried silently knowing what was coming next. He gripped the front of my shirt flung me out of the closet making me hit my head on my wall.

"Please don't hurt me I won't do it again I promise." I whimpered curling into a ball letting the tears fall down my face. He threw the bottle at me and glass shattered on me and pieces got on my arm. I cried more as he began kicking my already bruised stomach. Why? Why does this always happen to me ? I just want my mom back she could save me from him. I wish she could get better so I wouldn't have to suffer this anymore.

I felt him kick the top of my head and pain sprouted through my whole head and I blacked out.

I woke to the sound of machines beeping and the light seeping in through blinds in a white room. I blinked a couple of times to get adjusted to the light. I turned my head slowly towards the right and pain shot through my head as fast as lightening and I whimpered a little. Suddenly my stepdad hovered over me a scowl on his lips.

"Listen to me if you say one word about this I will personally make your life like hell more than it already is." He snarled at me. I sunk back in the hospital bed and nodded my head slowly.

A lady in a suit walked in with a file which had a lot of papers in it. She was really pretty with short blonde hair and blue eyes that sparkled. Her heels clicked against the tile in the room.

"Hello Kayden my name is Ms. Sheila I was wondering if I could talk to you for a while?" She sat down and smiled at me. My stepdad leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily. She glanced over at him unapprovingly and then turned back to me.

"So tell me Kayden how did you get that bruise on your stomach?" She questioned me. I looked down at my fingers not saying anything. I didn't want to get in trouble anymore if I told he would just hit me more and more.

"I fell down the stairs." I whispered at her. I saw her shake her head slightly in disappointment.

"You know you can tell me anything Kayden anything at all." She smiled warmly at me. I felt bad for lying to her but she didn't understand the pain I've been through with him. I've been dealing with this for 3 years. I looked down at my fingers again and twirled them nervously.

"Can we go now?" My stepdad asked her. She scowled at him and wrote something down in her file. She got up and took her leave. She stopped at the door and turned around.

"You better believe Mr.Black that I Will be back and you better pray that the boy is happy because if he's not I will have your ass in jail so fast you can't even say I'm sorry." She spoke sternly at him then turned and slammed the door behind her.

"Yeah you can try Bitch." He called back to her. He left the room to go see if I could be released yet. I looked down at my body and grimaced slightly. My arms had black and purple bruises on them, my legs were black and blue with bruises on them. I lifted up my gown and saw an uglyish yellow color  with lots and lots of blue, black, and purple.

"I just want my life back the way it was with my dad and my mom happy." I whispered tears streaming down my face.

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